Apr 27, 2011

Crescent City Classic 2011 - I DID IT!!!

I DID IT! I participated in the Crescent City Classic 10K walk/run for the first time ever! My brother had been harrassing me for the past few years to share this experience with him. He had run it several times before. So, this year, I caved...I gave in and agreed to do this with him.
On Saturday morning I woke up early (5 a.m.) to hitch a ride with my sister who was supposed to be picking up myself and my step mom. At 5:30 she still hadn't arrived and I was beginning to think she'd forgotten me. So, I called her cell phone which she sleepily answered right away. She apparently had overslept and was quite upset with herself.

At 6 a.m. she FINALLY arrived and we were on our way. The plan was to meet my brother and then ride down to New Orleans with him. We got to N.O. at apx 8 a.m. The race was to start at 8:30. After parking, we huffed and puffed (endured a brisk walk for 1/2 a mile) our way through the 85% humidity to get to the start line.

We were there just long enough for a quick picture before the US Marine Color Guard posted the colors and fired the cannon signaling that the race was now on.

I began walking and promptly was bombarded from behind by many runner all itching to get first place or at least make better time than they did last year. It was unreal!! At a quarter mile, I saw my sister standing on the sidewalk patiently waiting for me to catch up to her. (She walks really fast! Either that or her legs are longer than mine.) She went on ahead and I started walking faster trying to keep up. Then it dawned on me that this was a 10K (6.2 miles) race. There was no way I could walk at that pace for that distance. So, I just decided to plug in my MP3 player with my Couch to 5K tunes on it (complete with a walk/run prompt). I figured I'd be better off by tuning out everthing around me as I attempted this first time feat.

Another quarter mile (and my 2nd 60 second run), I saw my sister again standing on the sidewalk. As I jogged past, I told her to "Jump in!" .... which she did. She took three steps and made a face plant right there on Poydras Avenue, badly injuring both of her knees. A lady stopped mid jog to help me and my sister hobble to the side of the road while the sea of athletes all passed us by.

We were only a few steps away from a police officer who offered to contact EMS, but stated that they could take a while getting to us. Sis decided that it wasn't an emergency, she just needed a first aid kit and a few moments to regather herself and then she would continue on. Would you believe this police officer did NOT have a first aid kit!? A kindly restaurant manager who was standing by watching the runners, entered his restaurant and returned with a dry towel, wet towel, ice packs, and bandaids in order to help patch up my sister. She then told me she was fine and waved me off to continue the endeavor alone. She said she'd catch up later.

And so I go, putting my earphones in once again to pick up where I left off. I kept running/walking along the way, in as much shade as I could find and was surprised .... I mean, REALLY SURPRISED! to find myself a short time later looking at the 5K mark painted on the pavement. I thought to myself, "I DID IT! And I feel REALLY good!!! This ain't so bad after all!" followed by, "Oh wait a minute. This is a 10K - I'm only halfway there!".

My sister did catch up to me a short time later and we spent the rest of the race fighting my "Defeatist Attitude" (as my brother called it). Two and a half hours later, I finished the Crescent City Classic! I was weak from having no breakfast and my feet (especially the top of my left foot) was killing me to the point that I was limping.

I'm pretty sure my stride was off a bit so that was why my foot hurt. I have been inspired, though, to get back to my Couch to 5K interval training program and then move on to the Bridge to 10K training program. I plan to RUN the 10K next year and shave off 1.5 hours! Meanwhile, I relish the fact that I DID IT!!!

Here I stand at the Crescent City Classic finish line with my time posted above my head.  I know, it's not a flattering picture but then again, who looks pretty immediately after a 6.2 mile run?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm Back with some Disney shortsets

Have I REALLY ignored my blog for 4 months?  Whoa!  I need to get on the ball!  Things have been pretty crazy around here with all the daily road running and chauffering the kiddos back and forth.  I really should get me an Iphone or notebook or Ipad so's I can keep up with the online duties while I'm sitting in a parking lot somewhere.

Another reason I haven't been on here much is because I've been on Facebook a whole lot more!  :D  I need to curb that addiciton as well.  And speaking of addicitons, I have been sooooooo busy sewing!  I'm just loving the feel of the thread and needle as it punctures the various fabrics I'm playing with.

In order to supplement the family income, I've decided to try my hand at custom sewing projects....focusing on Disney inspired short sets.  I have recently completed 3 outfits that I'm very proud of.  I think I'll go ahead and try to expand the collection with even more shortsets for boys AND girls.

Meanwhile, enjoy these pics of my latest creations!  Each shortset is ONLY $50.  Just comment if you're interested in one.  Then we'll exchange the needed info.