1. Why are butterflies called "Butterflies" and not "Flutterbys"? After all, don't they just flutter by?
2. When I get to heaven, I'm gonna ask God why he created moms with only 2 arms. Then I'll ask Him why he gave us only 24 hours in day.
3. If we evolved from monkeys or apes, why are the monkeys still here? why is it we don't see any humans/monkeys in mid-evolvment? Isn't evolving a type of metamorphasis? Why don't we see anyone morphing?
4. Why does someone believe you when you say there are 4 billion stars in the sky, but they have to doubt you and check when you say the paint is wet?
And finally, (for today anyway)
5. If a doctor suddenly dies while he's doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient on the table?
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