Apr 28, 2009

Honeybee Swarm

I was sleeping sooooo good this morning! All cuddled up under my blankie, snug as a bug until my dad knocked on the doore, waking me up with some more buggy news. Seems that there's a honeybee swarm that he wants to catch. He requested that I film him in the process.

I really don't know WHY he wanted me to film and take pictures....UNLESS it was to show the grandkids without putting them in harm's way. My dad has always enjoyed fooling with honeybees. My grand-dad introduced beekeeping to my dad and uncle at an early age. I believe the sole purpose at the time was to keep the garden pollinated. Another awesome by product of beekeeping is the sweeter than sweet honey.

When I was younger (much, much younger), I would assist my dad while he robbed the bee hives. By robbing, I mean, harvesting the honey. There's nothing like the smell of honey. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about that sweet, rich honey pouring over a hot, homemade buttered biscuit. Gobble that up and wash it down with some ice cold milk....mmmmm, that would certainly spike up the blood sugar levels!

Okay, enough reminiscing....back to the task at hand. I got dressed in a long sleeve tan shirt and jeans. Then I thought,"Man, it's a good thing I didn't take a shower last night!". Some might respond to that with an "Ewww" but the fact is that perfumes or perfumed soap or even a little hint thereof, as well as bright colors (thus the tan shirt) attracts insects. See, even though I didn't know it last night, the Lord was preparing me to be ready for this morning!

I make my way next door to my dad's house where he has set up "shop" underneath the swarm with a step ladder, scoop, empty prepared bee hive, and bee bonnets. At first, he planned to simply cut the tree limb the swarm was hanging from, but that was a little easier said than done. He really needed a third hand to accomplish this task. He opted instead to reach up and scoop the bees, carry them down the ladder, and gently dump them on the front door of their new hive. Once dumped, the bees made a beeline (pun intended) into their new home.

Yeah, he's crazy!

Watch the video! Oh, and pardon the shaky filming....I was trying to keep my distance. Yes, yes, I know....I'm a chicken.

In their new home.
By the way, I didn't stung.....not even once!!! Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

For some strange reason this was the hardest post for me. Not in the composing of it but in the attaching video part. What a pain!!! Oh, well, live and learn.