For the past 2 nights my Kangaroo and I have stayed at the hospital. My baby is fighting an MSRA staph infection. On Tuesday evening I discovered what looked like a little ant bite in a location where one wouldn't want to discover an ant bite. Twenty four hours later, I was calling the pediatrician. This thing had grown to over 1 1/2 inches in diameter and was purple! I was quite concerned.
The pediatrician took a look after my description of the problem and promptly exclaimed, "Whoa! I was NOT expecting THAT!". Then he says he's not comfortable addressing the problem in office and placed a call to the Peds unit at the hospital. I wish he had told me not to feed my baby before we got to the hospital but he didn't. So, on the way, when she said she was hungry, I stopped and fed her thus postponing surgery for the "thing" by 1 day. Aaack!
At any rate, upon arrival she was immediately hooked up to an antibiotic IV and placed in a room. See how she's feeling in the pic below? However, that didn't stop her from correcting the nurses when they called her by name. They would come in and say, "So, how's Kangaroo feeling today?" and instead of answering the question, she would reply, "It's Pwincess Kangawoo!" and then she would say, "My bottom huts." :(
The doctor is supposed to see us in the morning and declare whether we can home.
Edited to Add: The surgeon came in at 6 a.m. and opted to wait on extracting the gauze for a later time. She returned at 11 a.m. with a small syringe of morphine, administered that, and then proceeded to extract the nasty looking gauze. She then said that as long as there is fever, we stay here. Otherwise, Kangaroo is cleared to go home. So, we continue to wait and watch cartoons.
Update (8/2/09): We were released and sent on our way. As of today, Roo has fully recovered and is bossier than ever. I think the nurses spoiled her a bit too much.
Oh my. How scary. Looks like she handled surgery very well. Will be praying about that fever.
Thanks Jenn.
Hope things are going well.
I'll say a prayer tonight.
Troy and Martha
Thanks Troy & Martha. She is doing much better now and seem to be well on her way to a full recovery.
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