Sep 12, 2009

Have you bought your Boy Scout popcorn?

Did you know you can help The Teen (Kyle M.) earn his own way in Scouting? Just click and place an order on his behalf. There are new products offered online, like flavored almonds and a limited edition BSA tote.

70% of your purchase will be returned to him, his unit and his council. Online purchases help us fund fun, educational activities and help more kids experience all the things that make Scouting great.

It also pays for registration fees, charter fees, badges, awards, field trips, leader training, and much more. It's the primary source of funding to keep Scouting going and it's been going for 100 years this February!!!

This year, we have some healthier 'no-trans-fat' versions of popcorn available as well as some new Trail Mix!!! You can also make a Special Military product donation by Trail's End. That means that you purchase the popcorn, but it gets sent to the boys overseas instead of to your house.

You can also support his troop by order magazine subscription vouchers at discounted prices. Just order the number of $10 or $20 voucher you want. There is no need to choose magazine titles now! You'll see a full list of choices to make your pick later.

Within the next few weeks, The Teen (Kyle M.) will deliver (or mail) your voucher. It will have all the magazine choices listed so you can choose exactly what you want - or give a magazine as a gift. 4 - 6 weeks later, your new subscription (or renewal) will begin!!

Thanks for your support!!

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