I'm just feeling the need to vent a little and to share with you what happened to me today. I also want to write it down so I don't forget. Because it was, to me anyway, just that crazy!
First of all, I woke up. Actually got out of the bed and placed my feet on the floor at approximately 8:30 a.m. By 10:30 a.m. my dad had come over to stick his nose into whatever I have going on check on me. He lives next door to me (about an acre or so away) and when he gets bored he comes over to bug the tar outta me see his grandbabies, tickle them, and give them treats. By noon, he stated he had things to do and he left.
Lemme back up a little bit, 2 1/2 weeks ago, my doc and I made the decision for me to begin weaning off of the 50 mg of Zoloft that I have been taking for 5 years. Just a few days after that decision, I fell and hit the back of my head, giving myself a concussion. With these two things combined, I have set myself up for a great amount of stress....and that's if everything was running like a well oiled machine!
Anyway, as a result of weaning off the Zoloft, I have been very emotional. I know that it's because my doc and I are experimenting. I have been attempting to use other ways to control my feelings and for the most part, it's been working. However, by the time my dad left today, I was a wreck. I managed to hold it in and stay in control until he was out of the house but after that, I caved....just a little...not entirely a melt down...just a few tears.
I began to hyperventilate and my sweet husband came over to me and helped me to think of more positive things. He helped me to visualize peaceful, tranquil settings to calm me down. He was awesome! After that episode, I fed the kids, had some lunch myself, and then laid down for a power nap. Thank God I did too because just 30 minutes after I woke up it seems that all hell broke loose!
I had planned to run some errands in town, taking my 23 y.o. DQ, her infant son, and my Little Bird and Kangaroo along for the ride in order to free up Dahlin' so he could enjoy the local college football game in peace. I had the girls all loaded in the SUV, completely buckled in, when I remembered that I had forgotten my cell phone in the house. I returned to get it, and my dad walked over as well.
This was right at the end of the 1st quarter of Dahlin's football game. Dad and I both entered the house and as we did so our very ADHD beagle puppy flew out the door. Any other time, that might not have bothered me. Let the dog run around....he'll come back. But this time, he went straight for the neighbor's (and my dad's) free range chickens giving every available hen a run for her money.
I have to admit that the sight of him flying through the air, the sun shining off his coat as he jumped a ditch while trying to bring down a hen in flight, was quite a beautiful sight. If only I'd had the camera....but I didn't.
Dahlin' paused his football game (Thank heaven for DVR!) and for the next hour he, my dad, and myself all chased that damn stupid dog around the neighborhood....eventually catching him and saving a few hens; although, they may not be laying eggs for the next week.
Meanwhile, back at the SUV, my daughters were patiently waiting for my return so that we could resume our afternoon plans. My 23 y.o. had been entertaining the younger ones with the portable DVD player plugged in and powered through the in vehicle power port. She thoughtfully had turned the vehicle off in order to save fuel. Unfortunately, it never occurred to her that by doing so AND using the power port for an extended length of time would result in low truck battery.
I took my place behind the wheel of the SUV, turned the key, and heard....."Click-clik-clik-clik". I banged rested my head on the steering wheel before getting out and heading BACK into the house where my Dahlin' had resumed position in the recliner in front of the squawk box TV to finish watching his game.
I sat down in MY reliner, took a deep breath, and calmly said, "The truck won't start". He not so very calmly replied, "JUST GIVE ME 10 MINUTES!" and I replied.....well, I didn't reply. I waited. The girls waited. Buddy the Beagle waited....and wagged his tail.
Ten minutes later, Dahlin' rose and proceeded to the SUV where he connected jumper cables to the battery to get us going. Ten minutes after that, me and my girls were on the road. Ten minutes after that, I hear a "Ding-Ding-Ding" and a flashing light on my dashboard informing me that I now need to put fuel into the vehicle if I plan to go any further.
Next stop, the gas station! I filled up the tank, started the truck, put it in gear, only to hear "Ding-Ding-Ding" and see a message flashing "Check Tire Pressure". By this time, I'm ready to explode! But I didn't. I stayed calm, and drove over to the air tank to plug 4 quarters into it for 15 pounds of air pressure.
Got that done and I'm back on the road.
I was able to run my errands and make the purchases I needed before returning home to vent through the blog world and to all my bloggy friends (all 5 of the them) so that I may cool off and calm down before running myself a bubbly bath and turning in.
Thank you all for reading, enduring, and listening to my rant. How would you handle such a day? Please comment below and give me some new coping ideas!