Feb 19, 2012

My life as a 3 Ring circus

Since ya'll haven't heard anything from me in quite a while, I'll try to fill you in on what's been going on here.  But first, grab a cup of tea, sit down, and hang on tight!
Child #1 has got a job now and loves it.  She's working as a telemarketer.  I keep her child while she works (and when she's not working).  Since she has no transportation yet, I take her to work most days and my Mom picks her up, most days. 
We'll start this particular "saga" with last Tuesday, Jan, 31 - on which day several things were going on. 
At 4 p.m., I was rudely awoken from a nap by a phone call from Dahlin', yelling at me to "Call the Fire Departmen!!  Quick!".  Thinking at first that it was a bad joke, I started to go back to sleep.  But then, curiosity got the best of me and I got up, phoning 911 while pulling on my jeans and stumbling out the front door of the house.  While still on the phone, I see the dead brush and acreage between my place and my dad's place was aflame.  It seems that my Dahlin' had been busy in the garden area and lit it up to burn off the dead stuff.  Well, right about that time, along comes a big gust of wind and the cute little flames got away from him and began devouring all the unkempt stuff next door.  All of this was going on about 1/2 an acre or less from my house!!!  BTW, it took the fire dept 25 minutes to get here and when they did arrive, my dad, Dahlin', and Child #2 all had everything under control.  Alas, a tragedy averted.
At 5 p.m., we received the phone call we'd been waiting for and dreading.  My ex-mother in law had not been doing well for quite some time.  She had suffered for months from pulmonary fibrosis.  She was 82 (or 83?).  This call told us that she had passed away.  Child #1, Child #2, and I actually had planned to visit her on Wednesday afternoon.  She was too tired to wait.  She was Grandma to my older 2 children.
At 7 p.m., Child #2 endured his Eagle Board of Review.  It took more than an hour!!!  But they told him Congrats he'd made it.
On Wednesday, we did our usual Wednesday night church stuff.
On Thursday, I took Child #1 to work and returned home (66 miles RT).  Then I did what I always do on Thursdays.  As soon as my girls (Child #3 & #4) hit the door, things get a bit chaotic.  Before they arrive, I gather up my laundry (my dryer died a while back) and make them a snack which sits on the counter waiting for them.  As soon as they walk in, that's the first thing they look for.  Then, it's "Get changed!" while I toss their leotards and tights at them.  Child #3 wears some sort of little skirt or pants over hers because HER first stop is at piano lessons.  At 4, we're out the door and off. 
At 5, they both have places to be.  So, I drop Child #3 at her piano lesson and speed off for #4's dance lesson, which is also at 5.  Once I drop HER off, I drive around the corner to the laundromat and toss my laundry into the washers.  That runs for about 30 minutes but I don't have time to toss it in the dryer yet.  So, I leave it while I run back to get #3 at her now finished piano lesson.  By this time, #4's dance class is out, so she just hangs out with her teacher till I get back to pick her up.  Then it's back to the laundry around the corner to toss the laundry into the dryers and back around the corner to drop #3 at HER dance class.  Then back to the laundry to finish up and head home with hopes of arriving by 8:30.

Friday, Feb 3, was ex-Mother in law's funeral.  #1, her child, and #2 attended the services with their Dad who had come in from out of town.  I also attended in the capacity of musician to accompany my music minister who sang a couple of songs. 
Saturday, I transported #1 to work and headed back to the laundry to wash another load or two.  Between loads, I received a phone call from #2.  He had been with his best friend and his girl friend.  He was calling to tell me they had crashed.  He was so calm about it that I literally thought he and his friend had arrived at his friend's house where they "crashed".  He then had to explain to me that they had experienced a one car incident that left them in a water filled ditch on a rural road.  I sent Dahlin' to pick him up.  About an hour later, Dahlin' calls me to tell me about the wreck.  #2 had left out the part about the car flipping 3 times and landing upside down in the water!!!  Fortunately, he was alive to tell me all about it later. 
On Sunday, we had church, which for our family usually involves about 7 hours.
Monday, I took #1 to work then went to Walmart to buy my girls some new sneakers.  While there I bought some for me, too, with intentions to restart the Couch to 5 K program the next morning.
Tuesday, I woke up feeling icky and fluish.  I blame it on the shoe purchase the day before.  I took grandchild to #1 at 8:30 a.m., then went to play piano for a Sr. Adult choir practice.  Then at 11:30, I took #1 to work and took grandchild to the doctor due to congestion and green goo coming from the nose.  He wasn't running any fever so I had no reason to suspect anything.  As a result of that visit, poor little grandchild was dx'd with a double ear infection.  I ended up not leaving there until late afternoon .. about 3.  Went to pick up his antibiotic at Walmart which took an hour!!!  While at Walmart, I ran into a family cousin and chatted with her for a bit.  Then, I went to my mom's, changed Grandchild, fed him dinner, gave him his first dose of antibiotic and left to come home.  Arrived at home right at 5:15, gathered up my girls, and hit the road again for a girl scout meeting.  Finally got home at 8, put everyone to bed, and hit the hay myself.
Wednesday, #4 had a dentist appointment to have her upper baby eye teeth pulled.  The dentist said they don't normally come out until 8 or 9 years old, but #4 is only 6.  However, her permanent teeth were trying to come in and there isn't any room for them.  So, we made some room for the newbies.  I spent the rest of the day pampering her before we had our usual Wednesday night activities.  By this time, she was raring to get to church as they were having Valentines festivities for the kiddos that she had been looking forward to.  When we got home, I helped #3 with her George Washington Carver biography report rough draft.  Then put them all to bed.
Thursday, I took #1 to work and returned home.  #2 came home from school and excitedly informed me that he had pulled an inch long piece of glass from what looked like a scratch on his leg as a result of the car accident nearly a week ago.  I paused a moment, looked at him, considered taking him in for a tetanus shot but dismissed the thought. I told him instead just to keep it clean and watch for signs of infection.  Then I proceeded to embark on the Thursday Crazy Run.  Gather stuff, Get Snacks, and hit the road running. - Dropped #3 for her piano lesson, Drop #4 at dance, hit the laundromat, back to get #3, then get #4, back to the laundry, then dance for #3, back to the laundry, pick up #3, Head home, help #3with her Science poster project on sources of Light, Heat, and Sound.  Then bed.
Friday -  I took #1 to work, called the doc on the way regarding a tetanus shot for #2.  Thankfully, he had his last one in 2006 and they're good for 10 years.  Then I went grocery shopping and home.  Waited patiently for my girls.  They had a big night planned.  It was their first Daddy Daughter Dance!!!  I laid out every dress they had so they could pick their favorite.  Then I had to work on hair.  I had planned to do some fancy updo's but they chose to wear it down.  I was a tad disappointed that they didn't want updo's but it was much easier to leave it down!  I picked out Dahlin's outfit and ironed it.  He did the rest himself.  
Before he got dressed, He had cooked up 3 gallons of seafood gumbo!!  Then they were gone, #3 was off at a school basketball game, leaving me, grandson, and Buddy the beagle home all alone.  I was so happy to have the TV remote to myself for a change!
Well, there ya have it.  My life, a.k.a. the 3 ring circus, for the past week and a half.   Tomorrow morning, I'll drive the gang down to my sister's to collect Neice, who will be staying with me this week while Sister and BIL are cruising around Mexico.  Once I get Niece, we're off to Lowe's so all three girls can hammer to their hearts content as they build a little Valentine Card maker center (sort of a lap desk?).  I have nothing else "planned" for tomorrow, but ya never know what'll happen over here!!! 
Well, I hope you've enjoyed a glimpse into what is going on here.  BTW,I'm currently accepting donations for a much needed vacation.  :D  However, I'm sorry to say that I don't think the donations are tax deductible. 

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