Apr 19, 2018

2018, Apr 19 - Taxes and Dancing

Hey Babe,

I gotta bone to pick with you!  Remember this little agency called the IRS?  Yeah, well, I got a letter in the mail yesterday.  It seems you forgot pay the taxes in the years 2013, 2014, & 2015 and now they say YOU owe $26,210.79.  BUT there's this little issue of you being DEAD!  Which means I am responsible for this now.  How dare you leave me holding the bag like this!?  What am I supposed to do now?  Sell plasma?

On the bright side, my friend Hope works for a CPA and she is helping me with filing extensions and doing the back taxes.  With any luck, we'll break even and I won't need to pay the IRS anything.  If you were not already dead, I hate to say it, but I'd probably kill ya.

Went dancing tonight and had great time.  Danced all the dances and got a great workout.  However, I cannot continue with the lessons. It's just too expensive.  I would love to so if you run into the widow of a rich tycoon up there in heaven, see if she can put a bug in his ear and send him my direction.

That's it for now. 

Love and miss you bunches,


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