Jun 13, 2018

2018, Jun 13 - Upcoming

Hey Dahlin',

I don't know what you're up to up there in Heaven, but I sure hope you've been keeping an eye on me and the girls.  I'm having to learn how to be a parent to the girls again.  I don't remember how to have fun with them.  

Honey, I don't know how to say this.  I just started dipping my toes in the dating pool.  I'm learning that I'm not ready for it.  I miss you too much.  I keep thinking about you and what you would say. 

Today, I had to take Daddy to the eye doctor.  While we were in the waiting room, he wanted to loudly discuss my finances and succession information.  I was so mad at him about it.

After that, I brought him home and immediately picked up Samantha to take to her "nerve burning clinic" on Essen and Perkins.  After about 2 hours there, we went back to Samantha's place to rest a bit before coming home.

Now, again, I cannot keep the girls quiet!   They are constantly talking or bickering back and forth.

They just got back from their youth trip.  I think they really enjoyed it.  

Well, I guess I'll write to you later.  

Love and miss you so much,


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