Apr 26, 2021

2021/04/25 - Adventures in Post Loss Dating

 Dearest Charlie,

I really should start making a post each day from now on.  Putting my thoughts in order and on "paper" ...  I have so many thoughts twirling around in my head right now.  Right now, this post will reflect on some of the adventures in dating that I have had.  Since my last post, I have communicated with quite a few fellas.  Met an Army guy, I'll call him Sarge. We have texted back and forth for quite a bit but he is not interested in a relationship.  Just sex.  Then I met another fella, one I REALLY like and want, Cowboy Dan.  Cowboy Dan and I have also texted back and forth for nearly 4 months.  I have met him face to face 4 or 5 times.  He also is not interested in a relationship.  But if he were, he and I agreed that we would make a fine match.  So, I tossed both Sarge and Cowboy back into the pond.   I have casually been having text conversations with this guy and that guy, and eventually they all reveal they want the same thing ... sex.  I've gotten quite annoyed and disgusted; and have my towel aimed to toss. But, then ... just this week, I met another, Fireman.  

We've talked and texted quite a bit over the past week, and he's been a breathe of fresh air.   Fireman quickly asked me on 3 dates in 4 days!  He wasn't satisfied with talks on the phone, he actually wanted to spend some time with me!  What an odd idea!  

He is more of a talker than a texter (YAY!). As he was out of town for the weekend, he stayed contact, calling to chat between his activities.
Last night he called, we had good conversation, it flowed well, and then he asked me if I would like to accompany him for -
Thurs evening: Dinner date
Saturday evening: Fireman’s Award Banquet
Sun afternoon: Motorcycle ride

So, Thursday evening:
We met up at a local steakhouse where we sat and talked while eating. After dinner, I rode with him in his truck to a little spring carnival not far from the restaurant. We strolled around, holding hands because he has long legs and walks fast and I needed to slow him down. I had already done my cardio for the day! We did not ride any rides, just looked at the bright lights and the little kiddos having fun. Though we had mostly good conversation, his favorite topic seems to be politics and the future state of our country. When I could say something, I tried to redirect and ask how long he’s been a fireman and what inspired him, yada yada. He’s a transplant to my area so I asked about his area too. The only thing I did NOT like is that he isn’t very flirty and he didn’t ask much about me and my life. I was also quiet about myself and did not volunteer. After the stroll, he drove me back to my car and we parted with a hug (no kiss - though I think he expected one) and a quick discussion of plans for Saturday’s awards banquet. He requested that I text him upon my safe arrival at home. This morning - he texted me good morning and wished me a good day.

Saturday's events first: The awards banquet - I opted to drive to his apartment, then rode with him to the banquet. The reason for this was due to location and proximity of the banquet to my residence. The event was on his side of town, so it made no sense for him to come get me, and go all the way back to that side of town, then bring me home.  At the banquet, I was able to observe his interactions with his peers and was pleased with what I saw. He also seemed more relaxed than he did on the Thursday date. We ended the evening with a hug and a "Rest well". Again, he asked me to text him when I got home.

Sunday's motorcycle ride:  Because I play the piano at my church, the ride had to wait until services were over.  I informed him that I had to get back to the church by 5 p.m. for choir rehearsal. We began our ride at 1. He was dressed in his biker gear - i.e. cut with patches for those who know. We stopped at a little Hole-In-The-Wall for a late lunch, where all heads turned when we walked in. I mean, heads turn when bikers enter anyway, but when he's 6'4", well, he naturally gets a little more attention. After eating, we resumed our ride, neither one of us looking at the time. When we did, we realized we were pushing it to get me back to my car etc. He offered to take me to church and hang out while I did my thing, THEN return me to my car.

While at choir rehearsal, we had some sound system issues, and lo and behold, Fireman knows his sound system stuff! He did his thing in the sound booth, and I did mine at the keyboard. By the end of the hour, the church choir and director have adopted him as the newest member of our little family, dubbing him Biker Fireman! The director offered to put him on the Sunday sound system schedule! LOL He politely declined due to other obligations.

When it was time to go, we exited the church, and this church lady (me) donned her helmet, climbed on the back of this Harley behind him, and we roared out of the parking lot with my hands in the air and a loud WooHoo! We got back to his apartment, dismounted, and laughed at the events that transpired. He jokingly said, "The rumors are gonna be flying now and they're gonna have you married to me by tomorrow night!" LOL

We visited and talked a little more, with him now sharing and revealing some more personal stuff. In the end, we decided that though we had a lot of fun, our plans for the next few years take us in very different directions. He gave me another hug, said he was so glad that he met me and looks forward to many years of a good friendship. Once again, he asked me to text him when I got home. Which I did. I also made a short 30 second video of our ride and sent it to him.

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