Jan 23, 2009

My Knight

My husband is the greatest! He got up this morning very early to get some reports done before taking off to New Iberia to do some welding inspections. At 5:30 a.m. my oldest daughter woke up to head out to work. She was supposed to be there at 6:30 a.m. She walked out to her boyfriend's car (he loaned it to her for a while) and the thing wouldn't start. She came right back in and announced to hubs that there was something wrong with the car, she couldn't get the key to turn. He put his reports on hold while he went out and looked at it for a while. He couldn't immediately figure out what was wrong with it. He came in after a few minutes and told me that he was taking her to work. It's a 15 mile drive one way to her office. Therefore, this task of taking her to work took 30 miles and about 45 minutes of travel time out of his day.

As soon as he returned, he gets back on the computer to get those reports finished. About 15 minutes later, my dad comes in. Seems he was doing some work next door hauling a little trailer load of broken cement to put in some holes in his driveway. Anyway, he backed up wrong or something and ended up putting his Xterra in the ditch...thus getting it stuck. He comes to see if my hubby can help pull his truck out of the mud. My husband again puts his reports on hold and goes out to help a member of my family who had gotten themselves into a bind.

Now, I happen to know that he was aggravated to start with due to the reports that he had to get done. Combine that with the fact that the format the reports are in aren't conducive to hubby's computer skills. But he put all that hold (he probably really needed the break) to "rescue" my daughter and shortly after that "rescue" my dad.

As much as I complain about my hubby, (well, maybe not here but definitely to other friends) it's times like these that he shows his true colors and reveals to me the knight in shining armor that he truly is. He is such a cool guy! I just LOVE him!!!

Jan 20, 2009

Princess Tea

The girls and I went to a Princess Tea hosted by the local pilot club. My Little Bird woke me up at 6:30 a.m. so excited to get dressed in her pretty Disney dress to go meet "Cinderella" and "Belle".

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by some nice ladies from the Pilot Club. Another lady ushered the girls into another room for a photo op. We were then escorted to our table where we were served Apple Juice in pretty little teapots. We also had plates of little three cornered sandwiches, bite sized brownies, danish wedding cookies, and other treats. Each little princess received a pretty little bag with pencils, crayons, a big fake diamond ring, and a little princess coloring book.
There were photo ops with the big princesses followed by a puppet show from the Wise Old Owl with lessons on protecting and using our brains. Then we were escorted out to craft tables and game areas. Then we came back to our tables for door prizes before the tea was over. After all was over, the girls and I dropped by my mom's art gallery to pick her up for lunch.

My girls were so excited to have participated in this Princess Tea and can't wait until June when we go to Disney World to meet the real princesses!

Jan 16, 2009

My Princesses

The girls and I got up early this morning to hit the local Disney Store which is closing it's doors next week. I had promised my munchkins that we would go check it out and see what we can find. So, off we go. I had been warned that the merchandise was pretty much picked over but was pleasantly surprised to find a few short sleeved Tshirts for me and some plush critters for the girls. I also got some shell shaped Ariel and crown shaped Cinderella cereal bowls as a surprise for the girls when we embark on our journey.

We enjoyed a lunch at the food court and then headed home. On the way, I stopped at two Dollar Tree stores to look for any kind of Disney stickers to make our own autograph book (or index card decorations) for our trip. Surprisingly, there wasn't much to choose from! At the second Dollar Tree, I asked the manager if they were expecting a shipment soon. She told me that they were discontinuing the sticker rack!!! **sob** Soooo, I'll have to find my stickers elsewhere OR make my own with the multitude of free clip art available on the net.

Our final stop today was at Blockbuster where I picked up some Disney princess movies and a Dora movie. Man, it's a shame Dora isn't a Disney character!!! I have the biggest Dora fan in my household!!! Anyway, we got home, ate dinner, took baths, and sat in daddy's recliner (me with the girls on my lap...they're almost too big to do that!) to watch Sleeping Beauty. Then, the girls brushed their teeth, climbed into bed, said their prayers, and gave me sweet sugar kisses. I just love my Little Bird and Kangaroo princesses!

Jan 15, 2009

Watching TV

First of all, allow me to apologize for neglecting my blogging duties. Childcare and housework duties must come first....after devotions and Jesus time of course. Anyway, I was walking through the living room yesterday afternoon, on my way to throw some laundry into the washer when I happened upon my Kangaroo watching her FAVORITE TV show, Dora. By the way, I currently have over 20 Dora episodes DVR'd for her enjoyment. Arrgh! Anyway, I leave you with a picture of HOW I caught her watching TV.

Does anyone know if she can get brain damage from watching television in this position? On the other hand, isn't this a good way to get Vestibular Stimulation? (VESTIBULAR STIMULATION The vestibular system senses changes in head orientation, which are produced by head movements or changes in the position of the head with respect to gravity.) Anyway, I'm thinking of changing her nickname to Mork. LOL

Jan 10, 2009

The Hager Twins

I got online tonight to write my Date Night blog and sadly discovered an article which stated "Jon Hager of the musical comedy duo The Hager Twins on Hee-Haw has died."

I remember watching Hee Haw every Saturday evening before The Love Boat and Fantasy Island. After watching our Saturday evening programs, we would go to bed and dream sweet dreams of barn dances, romantic cruises, and lush tropical isles.

I've recently been enjoying Hee-Haw reruns on RFD.TV which I get by satellite. The jokes are so hokey and juvenile. My kids love the show. I'm reminded of my recent visit with my long lost sister when we were all discussing Hee Haw. During our conversation she looked at my other siblings and I like we were nuts. She asked, "What's Hi-Ho?" I had the immediate desire to educate her poor soul. Since then, I've emailed her many Hee Haw video links from YouTube.

I especially enjoy Archie Campbell's twisted fairy tales like "Beeping Sleauty", "The Pee Little Thrigs", and "Rindercella". Unfortunately, Hee Haw genre has given way to American Idol. Thank God for Branson, Missouri where we can go get our corny vaudeville show fixes anytime we want! Well, after careful travel planning, of course.

Date Night: Overnighter!

Had dinner at Don's Seafood Hut. DH had the seafood platter and I gorged myself on the Shrimp Platter.

We then discussed going to see a movie but decided that due to our distended bellies, we needed to exercise some of our dinner away. So, off to play some mini golf. We played 2 games. I won the first one on the EASY course. Then he beat the socks off me on the MODERATE course. Makes me wanna go, "Hmmmmmm."

Then we had brekkie at Cracker Barrel old country store. Again, I gorged myself and have decided to start my Nutrisystem stuff again. Just as soon as I get all my cravings out of the way.

Well, that's it for our date night. It sure was good to get away from the kiddos for a while!

Jan 8, 2009

Housecleaning: Day 1

One of my new year's resolutions was to start FLYing using the FlyLady.net method of housekeeping. So, I'm posting a picture of my shiny sink. Since Monday I was thinking that this week's cleaning zone was on the living room. After checking in today, I found I was mistaken and that this week's zone was in fact the kitchen. Well, that's good....because I was failing miserably in keeping the living area picked up but was doing well in the kitchen! How funny is that?

My shiny sink!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Now, for my next project. We enter the house/double-wide-modular-home through the front door after driving and unloading in the muddy front yard. It's awful and stinky!!

Note the white rubber boots, purchased just last night so I could walk without getting my feet wet. I can't find rubber boots for my girls ANYWHERE!! I had to carry them in so they wouldn't get any muddier than they already were. But, that's for another blog.

So, would anyone happen to have any orginzational ideas for this corner of my home?

Jan 6, 2009

Tooth Fairy Contribution

My Little Bird is growing up! **sniff sniff** She has lost her very first little baby tooth.

While I was typing in my little recipe for last night’s dinner, she approached me and said, “Mom, my tooth is wiggly!” Well, I knew it was loose, but I didn’t know it was THAT loose! So, I wiggled it a time or two and out it came.

Just look at this tiny thing!

So, now my Little Bird has a gaping hole in her smile.

She looks forward to the Tooth Fairy’s visit and resulting contribution to her piggy bank!

Congratulations Little Bird!!!

Mexicali Chicken Casserole

Last February, I had tried a new recipe. It was so scrumptious that I hung on to it to try again and again. In fact, I made it for my son's Boy Scout End of the Year party and got rave reviews! So, last night, I'm typing up the recipe for a family cook book. As I was typing, I started getting hungry and thinking....."Hmmm, this may be good for dinner tonight!"

I finished my recipe entry and went on into the kitchen to look for the needed ingredients. Since I didn't have everything required, I had to improvise. Therefore, here's how NOT to cook this dinner.

2 pounds precooked, smoked turkey leftovers
1 med. Onion, chopped
1 Tbs. minced garlic
1 (10 ¾ ox) can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10 ¾ oz) can cream of chicken soup
2 (10 oz) cans diced tomatoes and green chilies
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp red pepper
3 – 4 cups grated Sharp Cheddar cheese with some leftover Mozzerella thrown in
3 cups coarsely crumbled white corn Tostito tortilla chips
¾ cup chicken broth

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Place shredded, leftover, precooked turkey breast in skillet. Add onion and garlic, and saute’ 6 – 7 minutes or until tender. Add seasonings. Cover and simmer for 4 minutes. Remove from skillet and set aside in another bowl.

In the same skillet, stir in chicken broth, cream of mushroom soup, & cream of chicken soup.

Stir and bring to a boil.

Layer half of the chicken in a lightly greased 13 x 9 inch baking dish. Top with half of the soup mixture and half of the cheese. Cover with half of the tortilla chips. Repeat the layers once. Top with remaining cheese.

You will probably end up with leftover soup mixture due to not draining the can of diced tomatoes like one was SUPPOSED to do in the orignial recipe (see below).

Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes, or until bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Looks Yummy Huh?

Now, here's the way it's SUPPOSED to be done. (no pics, sorry)

1 (2#) skinned, boned, and shredded deli-roasted chicken
2Tbs butter
1 med. Onion, chopped
1 med. Green bell pepper, chopped
1 Tbs. minced garlic
1 (10 ¾ ox) can cream of mushroom soup
1 (10 ¾ oz) can cream of chicken soup
2 (10 oz) cans diced tomatoes and green chilies, drained
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp red pepper
3 – 4 cups grated Sharp Cheddar cheese
3 cups coarsely crumbled lime-flavored white corn tortilla chips
¾ cup chicken broth

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Melt butter in a large skillet over med-high heat. Add onion, and saute’ 6 – 7 minutes or until tender. Add bell pepper and garlic, and saute’ 3 – 4 minutes. Stir in chcken broth, cream of mushroom soup, and next 5 ingredients. Cook, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes.

Layer half of the chicken in a lightly greased 13 x 9 inch baking dish. Top with half of the soup mixture and half of the cheese. Cover with half of the tortilla chips. Repeat the layers once. Top with remaining cheese.

Bake at 350 degrees F for 55 – 60 minutes, or until bubbly. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Either way, the end result is delicious!!!

Jan 4, 2009

Old Photos: Paternal Grandmother

My great great aunt Philonia and My Grandmother in their younger days.

The following pictures are of my paternal grandmother and where she came from. I'm still doing research on this part of the family but have found much interesting stuff over the years.

Sylvia Lee Ellis

L-R: Frank Tandeckie, Philonia Stogner Tandeckie, Chinese Stogner,
and my G-grandma Cora Stogner Ellis

L-R: My G-G-Grandpa Robert "Bob" Stogner (he was Cora's daddy),
Frank Tandeckie, and Philonia Stogner Tandeckie

Now, let's see if I can explain this right.
There was my Grandmother Sylvia whose parents were Jess Ellis (b. Aug 2, 1900 d. Mar 28, 1958) & Cora Stogner (b. Dec 1, 1908 d. May 2, 1971).

Jess Ellis parents were John Thomas "Tom" Ellis (b. 1876) & Ida Parasa Collins (b. 1876).

Ida Parasa Collins parents were Printes Powhatten Collins (b. 1850) in Newton County, MS and is buried in Whatley cemetery in Forrest County. He married in Union. to Ms. Minerva (or Minivera) Parker (b. 1850 d. 1925).

Prentiss P. Collins father was Christopher Columbus Collins b. @1816 in N.C. and married April 21, 1840 in Mobile Ala. Ellen Goff. b. 1819

John Ransom Parker (photo below) (b. approx 1850 something) is/was Minerva's brother.
So that makes him MY great-great-great Uncle?.....I think.

Minerva and John Ransom's parents were Jonathan (or Jesse in some references) Seaborn Parker & Jesmina (or Gemima) last name unknown (b. 1829).

Dr. Jonathan (or Jesse) Seaborn Parker was of Jasper county. He lived and practiced medicine in Newton county. Minerva's mother was Jesmina b. Feb. 1829 (we have it spelled Jesmina but it could have been either). The story goes that she was Portuguese. I have also heard that she was Indian.

I know there are other siblings to Minierva and John Ransom but I'm still collecting names for them too.

John Ransom Parker (Minerva's brother)

I have also learned that the Collins family comes from a line of what is called Melungeons. Of course, I'm still learning about all this. But what a great lesson!!!

Jan 1, 2009

New Year's Resolutions, 2009

I had sworn I wasn't gonna do any New Year's resolutions but I guess I'll try to make a little list of things that I'd LIKE to accomplish this year. Of course, I certainly can't do it on my own. I definitely need to pray for divine assistance.

My list:

1. As everyone else does, so shall I do also......Lose Weight!
2. Become a FlyLady and work on each Zone as assigned.

That's it. Just those 2 things. I feel that if I list any thing more, I will ultimately fail at my attempts for resolutions.

Okidoki, off to attempt a Zone right this second!

Old Photos: Backyard Picnic

Well, here's something I'm gonna try to start doing every week. Maybe even more than once a week. I've gotten this urge to share some old photos.

This picture was taken on May 10, 1974. I think we were having a picnic in the back yard. The "shed" is a playhouse that my daddy built for us. It was simply built out of plywood, 2 x 4's and had a corrugated tin roof. I'm the little brown haired girl with the pony tails, sitting on the toy horse. Going clockwise from me, there is my little sister; our friend from across the street (whatever happened to her? hmmmm?); and then there's my brother.
I've gotta go digging through my photo boxes for more. This is gonna be fun!!!