Jan 15, 2009

Watching TV

First of all, allow me to apologize for neglecting my blogging duties. Childcare and housework duties must come first....after devotions and Jesus time of course. Anyway, I was walking through the living room yesterday afternoon, on my way to throw some laundry into the washer when I happened upon my Kangaroo watching her FAVORITE TV show, Dora. By the way, I currently have over 20 Dora episodes DVR'd for her enjoyment. Arrgh! Anyway, I leave you with a picture of HOW I caught her watching TV.

Does anyone know if she can get brain damage from watching television in this position? On the other hand, isn't this a good way to get Vestibular Stimulation? (VESTIBULAR STIMULATION The vestibular system senses changes in head orientation, which are produced by head movements or changes in the position of the head with respect to gravity.) Anyway, I'm thinking of changing her nickname to Mork. LOL


Anonymous said...

Too funny!!

Cynthia said...

Yeah, she's a real hoot! DH told me today that we definitely named her correctly!!!