Jan 8, 2009

Housecleaning: Day 1

One of my new year's resolutions was to start FLYing using the FlyLady.net method of housekeeping. So, I'm posting a picture of my shiny sink. Since Monday I was thinking that this week's cleaning zone was on the living room. After checking in today, I found I was mistaken and that this week's zone was in fact the kitchen. Well, that's good....because I was failing miserably in keeping the living area picked up but was doing well in the kitchen! How funny is that?

My shiny sink!!! Woo Hoo!!!

Now, for my next project. We enter the house/double-wide-modular-home through the front door after driving and unloading in the muddy front yard. It's awful and stinky!!

Note the white rubber boots, purchased just last night so I could walk without getting my feet wet. I can't find rubber boots for my girls ANYWHERE!! I had to carry them in so they wouldn't get any muddier than they already were. But, that's for another blog.

So, would anyone happen to have any orginzational ideas for this corner of my home?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your sink looks great!! I just started with flylady too. I am not exactly keeping up with the days like I should, but I am trying. Good job on your sink!!