Mar 11, 2009


Can I take a moment to tell ya just how much I hate doing laundry? The only thing I like about it is the clean smell of detergent and bleach while a load is going in the washer. Other than that, I can't stand doing laundry.

How many outfits do we need anyway? I don't do anything during the week unless it's geocaching or Walmart. Therefore, teeshirts and jeans are the outfit of choice for me. For the girls it's usually something cute. Then on Sunday, I wear a pantsuit I bought from Stage back in October. I have 4 suits that I alternate each weekend.

For hubby, he just wears jeans and a dress shirt most days. So, how many outfits does he need? I'm thinking that tomorrow's project will be to go through all of our clothing and bag up stuff we don't need or wear. Unfortunately, that means I'll have to get hubby another pair or two of jeans.

arrrrrggghhh! Why did Eve HAVE to eat that apple? If she didn't do so, we would have to worry about laundry at all!!!

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