I fell so icky today. I can't seem to stay focused on anything. My house is a wreck. I'm highly unmotivated. I'm everything the Proverbs 31 lady isn't. I can't even think or focus enough to write a decent blog post.
The other day, the right side of my upper lip started twitching. Unless I was talking. If I was just sitting there doing nothing, it would twitch constantly but only for a few minutes. Then it would quit. It drove me nuts! Then this morning, when I woke up, I just laid in bed staring at the ceiling when I noticed that only my left eye was open. I closed that eye and tried to open my right eye. That took much more effort than I thought was necessary. So I started freaking out.
I got online and started looking up stroke symptoms. I've been having pain in my right shoulder for months now and can't raise it up high over my head the way I can with my left arm. So, I went to the doc for the arm and he said I had tendonitis in that shoulder. He gave me some pain killers and muscle relaxers but it does still hurt. Other people I have talked to say that they ended up getting a cortizone shot in their shoulder. I have decided that my arm must be entirely useless before I cave in for a cortizone shot.
All that being said, I don't think my right arm pain has anything to do with TIA or stroke. It's the lip twitching and right eye that bothers me. Of course, each "episode" (with the exception of the right arm) didn't last very long. According to the net, the only time I should really be concerned is if it last more than 15 minutes. Just 5 minutes of lip twitching is enough to drive one crazy!
Okay, I guess that's enough for today. Maybe I just need to put myself on a schedule. You know. Like in the bed at 9 p.m. whether I'm sleepy or not. Then I'll start feeling better. It's too pretty outside for me to feel this way. My poor girls want to go out and play and all I want to do is sit and stare. Arrrrggghh!
Edited to add (5/5/09): I've determined that all of these symptoms are a result of lack of regular sleep. Going to bed at 2 a.m. and rising at 7 a.m. isn't conducive to good health.
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