Please go vote for my hubby's nephew!!!! They are currently in the top 5 but we want to keep them there for the next 15 days!!!
Apr 30, 2009
Nephew's Game Smart Video Contest Entry
Please go vote for my hubby's nephew!!!! They are currently in the top 5 but we want to keep them there for the next 15 days!!!
Apr 29, 2009
Apr 28, 2009
Honeybee Swarm
When I was younger (much, much younger), I would assist my dad while he robbed the bee hives. By robbing, I mean, harvesting the honey. There's nothing like the smell of honey. My mouth is watering right now just thinking about that sweet, rich honey pouring over a hot, homemade buttered biscuit. Gobble that up and wash it down with some ice cold milk....mmmmm, that would certainly spike up the blood sugar levels!
Okay, enough reminiscing....back to the task at hand. I got dressed in a long sleeve tan shirt and jeans. Then I thought,"Man, it's a good thing I didn't take a shower last night!". Some might respond to that with an "Ewww" but the fact is that perfumes or perfumed soap or even a little hint thereof, as well as bright colors (thus the tan shirt) attracts insects. See, even though I didn't know it last night, the Lord was preparing me to be ready for this morning!
I make my way next door to my dad's house where he has set up "shop" underneath the swarm with a step ladder, scoop, empty prepared bee hive, and bee bonnets. At first, he planned to simply cut the tree limb the swarm was hanging from, but that was a little easier said than done. He really needed a third hand to accomplish this task. He opted instead to reach up and scoop the bees, carry them down the ladder, and gently dump them on the front door of their new hive. Once dumped, the bees made a beeline (pun intended) into their new home.
Yeah, he's crazy!
Watch the video! Oh, and pardon the shaky filming....I was trying to keep my distance. Yes, yes, I know....I'm a chicken.
Apr 25, 2009
5 lbs. of Possum
Anybody feel like some possum stew?
Apr 23, 2009
So, picture it if you will. I leap out of bed slipping into the jeans lying on the floor by my bed, dive into a t-shirt, run my fingers through my hair fluffing it as I go, grab my keys, get out the door and into my white Surburban. Three miles later, I'm finally awake....thinking about getting that check written before I get to the school. On 2nd thought... There are only 2 spots left after all. What if both spots are filled before I get there? That fact would result in a wasted check. That wouldn't be a "green" thing! I'll just wait until I get there and THEN I'll write the check.
I arrive, walk in, say hello to the school secretary and ask her if there are any spots left on the list. She says YES and I proceed to write THE CHECK.....for my son's Driver's Education course that he's taking this summer! My baby boy is going to be DRIVING!!! And soon he'll have his FIRST Driver's License! Can you feel the pain? Do you hear the sobs? Whatever am I going to doooo-hooo-hoooo? Aaaaaahhh, the Panic!!!!
Okay, *deep through the nose, out through the mouth**. The emotions are out of my system now. So, I turn around and head out the school's front lobby and into the school parking lot. I walk around. Where did my Maroon Chevy Venture go? I walk around some more, scratching my head. I know I parked it there. Where is it? Surely no one has stolen it out of the school parking lot in the few minutes I was inside!!!
Somewhere, back in the cobwebs of my still sleeping brain, is a vague memory of a White Surburban. Oh, YEAH, I drove the Surburban this morning. Look around some more. THERE it is, right where I left it. I check over my shoulder to make sure no one is watching and make my way over to the vehicle for my departure. I really need to go back to bed and start over!
But alas, I can't. Little Bird and Kangaroo both have an appointment this morning and I must get back home to ready them for this important event. They are so excited to be going to their FIRST dentist visit!
They were perfect little dental patients!!! The Dr. Dentist said they were the most well behaved little patients that he'd seen in quite some time. They politely opened their mouth when he asked them to and most importantly, they didn't bite!!!
Dr. Dentist gave both of them a .....
....for a job well done on brushing their pearly whites! Yay!!! Then he sent us on our way with a very large bag of dental hygiene goodies (i.e. new toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss in mint and bubble gum flavors, and many, many stickers of encouraging words) to improve their brushing habits.
We immediately went to eat Mexican and then spent an hour at the park before returning home with lollipops for treats. Gotta go brush the sugar bugs away before bed!!!!
Apr 21, 2009
The Exodus Conspiracy Movie
Anyway, I just thought I'd share.
Here's a link to the intro
LIHA PowWow Field Trip
After the music "station" we moved on to a TeePee set up and learned about different indian dwellings and daily life. Mr. Tom "Strong Bull" Varnado introduced us to some of the primitive tools and toys. We also learned about various games the indian children played. Let me just say that this section was lots of FUN!!! Mr. Mike Spiller was quite the game host! Isn't it strange how us grown ups forget that Native Americans had children too? I mean, they weren't ALL about warriors and bravery, etc. There were children who played games and had toys just like us!!!
We then wandered around a little and experienced some awesome face painting and made a craft to take home. We were running short on time and had to leave before the Indian Fry Bread was ready for snacking. We missed out on the Circle Dance as well.
I'm bored!
Click here to create your own painting.
Apr 16, 2009
Interesting Links
Prayer Journals
How to make T-shirt yarn
Make your own bubble mailers
Creative Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
And last but not least, someone who has entirely too much time (and sharpie markers) on his hands!!! This man decorated his basement with $10 worth of sharpie markers! Insane!!!
If ya'll come across anymore interesting links, feel free to share!!!
Gloria Undine Bush Bickerstaff
She was born May 4, 1921 in Sun, LA to my great great grandparents Norvell Newton Bush (aka PaPa Bush) and Mary Fredreca Grantham. She was the youngest of five children. Her older sister was my paternal Great Grandmother, Velma Zenith Bush (b. Jul 14, 1908 – d. Jun 21, 1982).
Aunt Undine started working for the telephone company right out of high school and stayed with that position until she retired. As far as I know, she was married 3 times. The first 2 times were to abusive men whom she left and divorced the very first time they hit her. The third husband was Quinton Bickerstaff, a man that we really don’t know anything about but apparently he treated her well as they were married until he passed away a few years ago. I vaguely remember seeing him only once.
Aunt Undine & Quinton lived in the house she and my great grandmother grew up in. It was a homemade from 2 “shotgun” shanties placed side by side and joined together to make one bigger house. Eventually, an updated kitchen and garage were added on to this house. She had recently passed the property on to my father and moved out of the old house into another that she owned located in the nearby town of Bogalusa, LA. Dad recently tore the old house down but DH and I inherited the plank wood floors that we now have in our home.
Zoo and Me Field Trip
This was an interesting sight as we entered the zoo. A floating granite globe that can be turned. We opted to save exploration of this for our departure.
We started out meeting our guide, Ms. Stacy, who led us on a walk through the zoo to introduce us to some of the animals. Our first stop was at the Cheetah cage where Ms. Stacy asked us some questions about how fast a cheetah can run. BTW, they can run up to 70 mph for a short distance.
Next, we went to see the Andean Condor. What an ugly bird! But magnificent too! This bird has a wingspan of 10 feet! Again, Ms. Stacy pulled out the trusty measuring tape and measured the children’s height to show them how big 10 feet is.
Then we went to the Safari Theatre to make a bat craft, have a snack, and have a close up encounter with some other creatures. We got to meet a chinchilla and some hissing cockroaches!
My girls never cease to amaze me. As rambunctious as they are, they are terrified of insects…...any kind of insect. So, I was a bit apprehensive of their reactions when Ms. Stacy brought out the hissing cockroaches. I was pleasantly surprised that Little Bird didn’t freak out when presented with the opportunity to stroke the back of the hissing cockroach. She politely waved it away with a sweet, “No thank you. Not this time.” I was astounded that Kangaroo joined the gang of kids gathered around Ms. Stacy for a chance to pet this insect and my jaw literally dropped when I witnessed that she actually TOUCHED the critter!!!! I was thinking, “THIS from a child who RUNS SCREAMING bloody murder from a ladybug?!?!?!”
I'm planning another zoo trip soon to the Audubon Zoo where "they all aks fo' you".
The Widow's Might
The Widow's Might
Posted: 15 Apr 2009 05:14 PM PDT
I just read an article on the net about the movie called "The Widow's Might". It is being released in movie theaters all across America. It was made by a homeschooler and won the Best of Film award at the 2009 San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival. You can read the news article here. Or you can visit the official movie web-site to see if it is being shown at a theater near you. If you are able try to support this film and send a message to the film industry that we want quality family films, and especially good Christian films. If you have seen the film please leave your comment about the film below. I've not had the opportunity to see it yet, but it got great reviews on ;~)
Apr 12, 2009
Family Easter Celebration
My handsome husband opted to stay home this Easter Sunday so he could concentrate on his culinary gifts for the family meal. My little sister and I had talked during the week about the menu and we decided to go simple with roast beef and mashed potatoes and gravy. I told her that I would be responsible for the side dishes and that we’d get it all together Saturday night with plans to turn the crock pots on and throw things in the oven for Sunday afternoon.
While sitting down to eat, I made the comment to DH, “Honey thanks for cooking all this food! It’s delicious!!” My sister then replied, “Hey! Who cooked the roast beef?” (Well, she did, in the crock-pot ….. and it was delicious too!) I said to her, “Sissy, thank you for cooking this delicious roast beef!!!” and then my mom piped up, “Ahem…..” to which I replied, “Mom, thanks for cooking those yummy, crock-pot, mashed potatoes! There’s nothing like homemade mashed potatoes!”
Apr 10, 2009
Easter Park Day
Good Friday
I play the piano every Sunday morning, Sunday evening, and Wednesday choir practices. During both solo pieces I messed up badly but recovered well. Later, a fellow musician mentioned how pretty the pieces were. I asked her if she noticed my mistakes and she said “No and as musicians we usually pick up on that stuff!” I was glad to hear that.
I don’t know why, but for some strange reason, I was particularly nervous about my performances for this service. I just tried to tell myself and that the only thing within my control was to play my best for Him. So, I like to think that’s what I did even though in retrospect I think I could have done better.
The important thing is that my talents are to be used to bring others into His presence and I think that was accomplished on Good Friday night even with my mistakes.
Apr 9, 2009
"Mom! You Look....."
Anyway, so I got home and laid down for a nap. I slumbered peacefully for a little while and then got up to help hubs prepare dinner. My little ones had already risen and were outside playing on the swingset.
They ran inside for a drink of water and spied me standing by the kitchen sink. They slid to a stop, their eyes wide, and said, "Mommy! You look beautiful!!!" Kangaroo said, "Yeah, you look like that lady in the movie!!!
I've always heard the comments from children are the most honest. So I was basking in the glow and thanked them for their compliments.
I asked Kangaroo, "What lady in the movie?"
She replied, "The Witch!"
My husband, who was standing aside peeling shrimp for the grill, dropped everything and cracked up laughing. When he was able to get a breath he say, "Well, THAT burst your bubble didn't it!" (and hubbys).....gotta love 'em!