Jun 29, 2013

Pennington: Week 2, 2nd half

Well, I haven't written in a couple of days so I'll try to do the best I can from memory regarding what I've done during my workouts.  I had Wednesday off and didn't walk or do anything that day.  I wish I had because when I returned to the routine on Thursday, my workout was a little harder and I received a bit of a surprise.  The Met Cart that I had done on Monday showed that my heart could take a bit more work.  I fully expected a change in intensity on Tuesday and when it didn't happen, I was a bit relieved.  Well, I then I take a day off and when I got back on Thursday I'm greeted with  "Good Morning Mrs. Cynthia! Your Met Cart readings show that we can extend your time on the treadmill to 78 minutes!" Say what!?!
So, I used my little towel and covered up the numbers on the machine so I couldn't watch the clock.  The speed and grade were kept the same as before at 2.8 mph and 2.0 incline.  At the end of the work out, my numbers looked like this.  78 minutes on the treadmill, 2.0 incline, 2.8 mph, 3.89 miles, 384 calories burned.
On Friday, I got nearly through the workout, felt my second wind and decided to suggest an increase in grade to 3.0.  At first, I couldn't tell a difference.  About 25 steps later though, Uh Oh.   I also noticed that a few more steps into the increased grade, I felt a strange sensation beneath the 2nd and 3rd toes of my left foot.  It felt like a pulling ligament or something.  When I curled my toes, the feeling went away.  On the bright side, by increasing the grade it reduced my time spent on the treadmill .... only by 4 minutes but still a little reduction.  If I bump up the speed, that will also shave some more time off.
Before leaving the facility yesterday, I asked again about working out at home on my days off.  Before, they had told me to stick to my regular routine.  But now, my regular routine has changed to include at least 1 hour walk.  So, yesterday, they told me to go ahead and plan a walk for Saturday (today).  When I went to bed last night, I was thinking about this walk.  Where would I walk? How long should I walk?  Should I split it in half?  Should I try to just go straight down the road?  Or should I plan a trip to the state park and do the primitive hiking trail? Should I do half of my time in the morning and half in the afternoon?  Especially knowing how hot it is out there.
I was ecstatic to hear raindrops at 6 a.m. this morning.  At 7:00 I was out of bed and talking with the husband about going with me.  So, at 8:30, my husband and I hit the road.  He ribbed me the entire way with, "You can't walk faster than that?" etc.  As we passed my dad's driveway, I saw my step mom strolling about.  I waved at her and invited her along as well.  She gladly joined in and made my walk much more enjoyable.  Knowing that on Thursday, according to the treadmill, I had walked nearly 3.89 miles.  I had measured a distance from my house in my truck and knew where the 2 mile mark was.  So, to get to that 2 mile point and back to the house, I would have to complete a 4 mile walk. 
Since I walked on pavement and had nothing to check my speed, it was a little harder for me to judge my pace. Ultimately, it took me just a few minutes longer today than it would on the treadmill, but I completed a 4 mile walk before 10 a.m.  So, I'm guessing it was still a 78 minute time.  I still felt a little pulling in the left toes and walked the last 1/8 mile with those toes curled.  What in the world is that about?! 
The bottom line is that I made a 4 mile walk and did very little heavy huffing and puffing as I would have done a month ago.  Even the little toe pain didn't kick in until nearly the end. I am excited about my progress.  For Sunday, I will be taking off but doing swimming instead of walking. At this point, I'm looking forward to the workout on Monday.

Jun 26, 2013

Pennington Workouts: Week 2, Day 2 - Mental Block

So, I finished my work out yesterday but let me tell ya how it started.

Woke up, got dressed, and hit the road.  I live a good 45 - 50 minutes east of the Pennington facility.  I can make that drive in 30 minutes if traffic is cooperative.  If not, it takes much longer.  Along the drive, I have time to listen to talk radio or whatever.  I also have time to pep myself up for the workout.  I am finding though, that I'm trying to come up with excuses to NOT work out. 

Yesterday, upon arriving at Pennington, I procrastinated for a full 20 minutes before making myself get to my assigned treadmill.  Even then, the little worker there physically touched my lower back and gently pushed me toward the treadmill saying, "Just get on it!"

Once I did, I was good.  I did the warm up and walked 3 miles (according to the readout) in less than 56 minutes.  The shower afterwards felt wonderful.

At what point does this exercise thing become habit and I no longer feel this dread about it?  Thoughts?  Please hollah!

Jun 24, 2013

Pennington Workouts: Week 2 - Foot Issues

I started my 2nd week at Pennington today.  I think I have actually been there working out for a week and a half but they're saying I'm on week 2. 
Today's procedure started with a weigh in followed by the Met Cart.  If you aren't familiar with that it begins with me donning headgear and a mouthpiece with a hose attached to a computer.  The headgear is uncomfortable and the mouthpiece is drool inducing.  This site seems to accurately describe what it is I'm going through while walking the treadmill wearing the gear.   Today, I had to walk on it for 10 minutes.  The first 5 was at a draggingly slow 2 mph.  Then for the second 5 minutes it got bumped up to 2.8 mph with the 2.0 incline.
Following that, I hopped on the other treadmill to finish my workout for the remaining 56 minutes.  I bought new shoes on Wednesday and wore them for the first time on Friday.  While walking on Friday, I experienced a little tightness and a pop in the upper portion of my left foot.  I think I might be pronating inward a tad and just need some extra support.  I will stop off at the drug store on the way in tomorrow and pick up some Dr. Scholl's inserts to try.  There are no issues with the right foot at this point.  Just the left.
Today, about 10 minutes into the workout, I experienced the same sensation.  Then my mind was taken off the top part of my left foot when my calves began burning which I suspect is just due to my taking 2 days off over the weekend. 
This week, my workouts have been increased by one day and tomorrow there will be an increase in either time or intensity (or both).  On the bright side, however, I was told that the time on the treadmill would decrease.  I'm not sure whether or not to be happy about that.

Jun 20, 2013

Workout #4 and New Shoes

Workout #4 is done!! Walked longer but at same pace. Weight is still the same but also no biggie because I can feel the muscle building in the backs of my legs and muscle weighs more than fat. One issue I have today is swollen fingers after walking.  They don't really HURT but it does concern me.  I'm guessing it has to do with gravity and all the blood flow to the extremities.  But is it normal to feel like I have Mickey Mouse hands when I'm done?
After my walk, I went over to Fleet Feet to ask about walking shoes.  I had an experience there that I have never had before in my life!  First off, the ladies there were AWESOME! After a friendly greeting, I was asked to remove my shoes.  Since I had JUST finished my walk, I warned them of stinky feet.  They just waved their hands with, "Oh, don't worry about that.  Right after your workout is the BEST time to try on new shoes." 
Anyway, after removing my shoes, my feet were measured sitting down and measured again standing up. Then I was asked to walk around so they could watch me.  I sat back down and they went to the stockroom and returned with a stack of shoeboxes of various brands, sizes, and styles.  Then the process began.  I tried on the first pair of shoes on BOTH FEET (I normally do just one foot) got laced up and again was asked to walk around the store.  As I walked, they watched and asked me questions about how they felt.  Did I feel any rubbing here or there?  Did anything feel like it was poking me?  I never could get a good fit on the back of my foot with ANY of the ladies styles.  They all felt like they were too short on the back and that my foot was going to slip out of the shoe.
Nine pair of shoes later, we decided to try a man's shoe.  Lo and Behold, THAT worked!  The back of the shoe is a little higher and it feels like I have a good fit there.  I felt like I could go work out again right then and there! I did not realize just how flimsy my little Walmart Danskins were until I put this other shoe on my foot.
In the end, I did something else I have never done in my life.  I paid $120 for a pair of shoes.
I am SOOOOOO looking forward to my workout tomorrow!

Jun 18, 2013

Pennington: Motivation and Inspiration

Meet two more of my exercise supervisors.  These cuties are Nathan and Daniel a.k.a. Motivation and Inspiration.  We all need them!

I went in for my 3rd work out today and greeted Nathan with a big "There's My Motivation"!  He held his arms wide and said, "Yep that's me!". 
He told me that he had to do a BP check on me before we started my work out today.  It wasn't too bad.  132 over high 70's something.  It is a little unusual for me to have the top number in the 130's though.  For years it's been in the 120's, then I volunteered at Pennington and it stays in the 130's.  One of the program coordinators mentioned that I might have "white coat" syndrome which will cause it to rise a little.  I told Nathan that it was cause I got to see his cute face today.  He ducked his head and blushed saying, "Awwww". (I later learned he's only 20 and shamefully felt a bit creepy for being flirty with him!  I'm way too old for that!!!  Bad old lady!  BAD old lady!!)
After the BP check, I hopped on the treadmill and got started.  I was the only participant in the gym at that time and Nathan was chatty which I was glad for because it really kept my mind off all the numbers on the treadmill.  You know, the Distance, Incline, Speed, Calories burned, etc. numbers. 
On the wall in front of my treadmill is an RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) chart. It has smiley faces on it with a scale from 6 - 20 with 6 being "no exercise, couch potato" and 20 being "Somebody better catch me, I'm about to pass out." When I'm working out, Nathan or Daniel will periodically ask me how hard I'm working.  I'm supposed to point at the chart or grunt or something to indicate where I think I am.  I'm usually at 12 - 13 which is more like a "moderately working" but not quite "labored".  I try to stay in that zone for the duration of the workout. Daniel (Inspiration) explained the chart thing to me last time saying that generally, my heart rate will be equivalent to the chart.  For example, resting heart rate is about 70 - 80ish but during my workout it'll get up to 127 - 130 which is around the 12 or 13 mark.  If I'm at 14, then my heart rate might be 140 and so on and so forth.
This morning, I started out feeling soreness in my hamstrings and calves due to my Father's Day craft this weekend. I spent a lot of time bent over upside down and stretching to each project station while working with the kids.  About halfway into the workout, my calves started burning bad.  The incline hadn't changed so I couldn't figure out why I was having this discomfort.  Then it dawned on me that I hadn't worked out in 2 days.  So, I'm thinking that's why I was burning like that.  It was so nice to have Nathan there to chat so he could take my mind off of it and I could finish without any issues. The soreness is still there but I predict it will dissipate next week or so.  At least I hope it does.  I can't imagine staying sore all the time for the rest of my exercising life!
After the workout, Nathan told me he had to take my BP again.  This time it was 142/82.  He didn't seem concerned and said it had risen a little just from the workout. 
I plan to go back on Wednesday donning a party hat in celebration of my birthday.  I'm also making a motivation poster to just stick on the mirror in front of my treadmill.  It'll have sayings on it like, "You gotta sweat like a pig to look like a fox!" and "Just keep walking, Just keep walking" and "Put one foot in front of the other ..." and "How do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time!"

Jun 15, 2013

Father's Day craft

While surfing around pinterest, I was reminded of a cute little crafty thing for a gift.  My girls and their cousins wanted to give their grandpa a Father's Day gift as well as something for their daddy's.  So, I ran up to the local hardware store and bought four 80 lb bags of Easy Set concrete mix.  Next time, I'll choose 40 lbs.  I never realized how heavy 80 lbs is!  Cost:  $16

Then I went to Dollar Tree and got 8 roasting pans and 8 bags of the little jewel stones.
Cost:  $16
As I started mixing it up, I realized that I had bought entirely too much concrete mix.  I needed only ONE bag for this little project.  So, I told my dad that he gets 3 extra bags and Happy Father's Day!




Jun 14, 2013

Pennington Workout #2

Today, I went in at 8 a.m. for my second workout.  Five minutes into, I was finished.  Well, not really, but I sure was ready to throw in the towel and find something else to do.  I just wasn't mentally up to the task.  Thank goodness my exercise supervisors were there to keep me on track.  Nathan was wonderful in keeping my spirits up and keeping me on task.  Daniel showed up a little while later and we just had a great time cutting up and laughing while I walked.  The chatting certainly made the time go by faster whereas before, I was watching the clock and time was just D-R-A-G-G-I-N-G by.
I am wondering now that if the chatting might be keeping me from working out to my fullest ability.  Not saying that anything is wrong with chatting.  I LOVE to chat!  I just wonder if it's affecting my workout.  I will play with that theory in the coming sessions and see if it makes a difference. 

Jun 13, 2013

Pennington Volunteer

About 8 years ago I called Pennington Biomedical Research Center to see if I qualified for a study they were doing at that time.  I don't remember what the study was but I do remember that one of my qualifications to participate was that I could not have anymore children.  Well, I thought that was the end of that and hung up.

Fast forward, 2 children and an extra 60 pounds later, I saw this commercial and said to myself, "Cynthia, you've GOT to do SOMETHING!" So, I called the next morning for more information.

I haven't been keeping a log of my experience before now, so I'll try to type the following from what I remember and from previous Facebook Posts and photos.  From now on I will make updates on my blog.

April 26, 2013:  I signed up to volunteer for Pennington's E-MECHANICS study, the purpose of which is to compare the effects of physical activity and lifestyle changes on energy balance and how these changes may impact an individual's body composition. There are 3 study groups. 
  • High Dose Exercise (HDE) - Participants will exercise 3 - 5 days per week at 60 - 90 minutes per session.
  • Recommended Dose Exercise (RDE) - Participants will exercise 3 - 4 days per week at 30 - 45 minutes per session.
  • Healthy Living Group (HL) - Participants will attended regularly scheduled classes and seminars to learn and discuss healthy lifestyles. No exercise.
I do not yet know which study group I've been assigned to as I am still in the preliminary screening stages. I will keep ya'll updated on this. It is a 6-8 month study on the effects of exercise on the body. Since I DON'T exercise, I figure a study group would be just the thing to get my butt in gear!
April 30, 2013:  I arrived at Pennington for an orientation session and was measure for BMI, blood pressure, weight, and height.

May 2, 2013:  I was measured again for blood pressure, weight and height.  My Lab Rat mission this week is to wear this motion monitor sensor thingy for 7 days. It will record every move I make (or don't make) in order to provide my researchers with an accurate data picture of my lack of exercise habits.

May 10, 2013:  Physical - Today's Lab Rat visit resulted in being pinched, poked, weighed, measured (height, bicep, waist, hip).  I also had an EKG done.

May 15, 2013:  Treadmill stress test:  Sorry, I don't have a photo of this one.  :(  I had to wear a helmet with hoses attached as well as several electrodes attached to my chest and torso.  I had to walk on a treadmill while periodically increasing incline and speed.  Every two minutes, the nurse would take my blood pressure while I relaxed an arm off to the side while still walking.  I also had tell her, by looking at a chart, about how hard I thought I was working.  I lasted 10 minutes at 2.8 mph, increased incline every two minutes. Finished with gasping like a guppy for air and had burning calves, but surprised myself by lasting that long!

They also took measurements on this day:

Bicep 37 cm
Waist 123 cm
Hips 127 cm (this measurement was taken with my pants pulled down but measured over the undies)

May 28, 2013:  Lab Rat update:  After a 12 hour fast, I had an appointment at 7 a.m. to lay on a bed with a plastic bubble over my head and upper body, the purpose of which is to measure a metabolic something or 'nother. I wasn't allowed to read, play Candy Crush, update FB status, read email, fidget, sleep, play with my phone, or nothing for an entire hour! I had to lay there and stare at the roof.  They did allow me to watch television but it was hard to hear through the plastic bubble and it was REALLY difficult to keep my eyes open! 

May 29, 2013:  I had to endure ANOTHER 12 hour fast, eat a granola bar at 8 a.m., blood drawn at 11am, Lunch at 12pm, more blood drawn at 1pm, and Dinner at 5:45pm provided by Pennington.  I did NOT have to eat all of it but they did want me to try and eat as I felt I could.


I was also given my motion monitor thingy again, this time to wear it for 2 weeks. I was given a scale to record my morning weight weight for 2 weeks also.

June 11, 2013:  I returned to Pennington for my last Dexa scan and Lab work and received my appointed study group.  A DXA, sometimes referred to as a DEXA Scan, is the most accurate test for determining an individual’s body composition, body fat, lean muscle and even bone mineral content and density.  It uses a very low dose X-Ray for clinical testing and measurement of body composition and body fat.  Though this description comes from here, it accurately explains what Pennington is doing. 
After my lab work and Dexa scan, I met with my study coordinator to find out which study group I had been randomized into and was excited to learn that I am a member of the High Dose Exercise group.  This means I will be working out an awful lot for the next 6 months.  I'm excited yet terrified at the same time.  I am afraid that even though they will be gradually increasing my workout intensity I will still not be able to keep up.  I already feel those feelings of defeat closing in and I'm not even started yet!

June 12, 2013: I survived workout #1!! I started out with the first 10 minutes wearing the contraption you see in the pic below.  This was to measure my respiration and CO2 output.  I had my nose pinched off and had to breathe through my mouth.  The only bad thing about the mouth piece is that it causes lots of drool.  After that little warm up, I hopped onto another treadmill and began a 45 minute walk.  I have to wear a heart monitor at all times for accurate readings and I have a "supervisor" nearby with a cart mounted computer watching everything I do.  Today, I walked at 2.6 mph on a 2.0 incline and got my heart rate up to 127 for 40 minutes.  Afterwards, my thighs felt like they'd been injected with Mexicanjumping beans!

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon!!!


Jun 9, 2013

Tadpole Fun

Yesterday, just before a rainstorm, my girls decided to rescue some tadpoles from a mud puddle in the drive.  Then they played in the rain for a bit.

Can you see all these tadpoles?
When I got home from church today, they had added some things to the tadpole "habitat".
We dug out an old aquarium and cleaned it up.

See how clean and shiny? 

Now we can see them more clearly!

We looked on a website to see how to take care of them.  http://www.whatdotadpoleseat.com
So we boiled 4 leaves of lettuce and chopped them up very finely.

And then we set them up in their new home for observation.

Jun 2, 2013

Little House on the Prairie Day Camp

As I was putting together my summer schedule, my girls expressed an interest in participating in a local 1850's Plantation History camp.  Participation in this camp costs a pretty penny for 40 hours of day camp.  My pocket book wouldn't allow me to spend that much money plus it is a 40 minute drive from my house - one way - so I started brainstorming.  Since we're planning to do a Little House road trip at the end of the summer, I thought maybe I could scour the internet and see what I could glean from homeschoolers and such regarding Little House activities, snacks, games, crafts, etc.

That being said, the Easy Fun School site seems to have nearly everything I need.  So I present this DIY Little House on the Prairie Day Camp which I will teach to my girls and a couple of their friends next week, 9 - 12, M-F.

We'll begin each day with a reading story:  Probably one of the excerpts from the My First Little House series or a chapter or two out of one of the larger books.

  • Timeline
  • Map of Laura's travels
  • Feather (for Quill pen) and Berry Ink for letter writing
Pioneer Games:
  • Hop, Step, and Jump
  • Tug of War
  • Hoops and Graces
  • Blind Man's Bluff
  • Feather Dance
  • Comical Concert
  • I Spy
  • The Elements
  • Fly Away, Pigeon!
Edited to add some craft/activities ideas to research later:
  • Ma's Chores
    • Wash on Monday - Washboards and dishpans? Wash doll clothes?
    • Iron on Tuesday
    • Mend on Wednesday
    • Churn on Thursday
    • Clean on Friday
    • Bake on Saturday
    • Rest on Sunday
  • Sunday and The Story of Grandpa's Sled and the Pig
  • Going to Town
    • Pebble Pockets
    • Snack of Bread and butter, cheese, hard boiled eggs, cookies for the lakesdie picnic
  • The Deer in the Wood
    • Bread and Butter
  • A Little Prairie House
No-Sew rag doll
Bead necklaces (or make our own clay or paper beads?)
Paper dolls
Cousin Ed's "Straw" Hat
Wildflower seed packet to print and color, then fill with mystery wildflower seeds
Paper sunbonnets

Tentative schedule:

9:00 – 9:15
Prayer and Intro
9:15 – 9:30
Read Story
9:30 – 10:15
Baking activity
10:15 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:30
Arts and Crafts
11:30 - 12
Clean up