Jun 24, 2013

Pennington Workouts: Week 2 - Foot Issues

I started my 2nd week at Pennington today.  I think I have actually been there working out for a week and a half but they're saying I'm on week 2. 
Today's procedure started with a weigh in followed by the Met Cart.  If you aren't familiar with that it begins with me donning headgear and a mouthpiece with a hose attached to a computer.  The headgear is uncomfortable and the mouthpiece is drool inducing.  This site seems to accurately describe what it is I'm going through while walking the treadmill wearing the gear.   Today, I had to walk on it for 10 minutes.  The first 5 was at a draggingly slow 2 mph.  Then for the second 5 minutes it got bumped up to 2.8 mph with the 2.0 incline.
Following that, I hopped on the other treadmill to finish my workout for the remaining 56 minutes.  I bought new shoes on Wednesday and wore them for the first time on Friday.  While walking on Friday, I experienced a little tightness and a pop in the upper portion of my left foot.  I think I might be pronating inward a tad and just need some extra support.  I will stop off at the drug store on the way in tomorrow and pick up some Dr. Scholl's inserts to try.  There are no issues with the right foot at this point.  Just the left.
Today, about 10 minutes into the workout, I experienced the same sensation.  Then my mind was taken off the top part of my left foot when my calves began burning which I suspect is just due to my taking 2 days off over the weekend. 
This week, my workouts have been increased by one day and tomorrow there will be an increase in either time or intensity (or both).  On the bright side, however, I was told that the time on the treadmill would decrease.  I'm not sure whether or not to be happy about that.

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