Jun 20, 2013

Workout #4 and New Shoes

Workout #4 is done!! Walked longer but at same pace. Weight is still the same but also no biggie because I can feel the muscle building in the backs of my legs and muscle weighs more than fat. One issue I have today is swollen fingers after walking.  They don't really HURT but it does concern me.  I'm guessing it has to do with gravity and all the blood flow to the extremities.  But is it normal to feel like I have Mickey Mouse hands when I'm done?
After my walk, I went over to Fleet Feet to ask about walking shoes.  I had an experience there that I have never had before in my life!  First off, the ladies there were AWESOME! After a friendly greeting, I was asked to remove my shoes.  Since I had JUST finished my walk, I warned them of stinky feet.  They just waved their hands with, "Oh, don't worry about that.  Right after your workout is the BEST time to try on new shoes." 
Anyway, after removing my shoes, my feet were measured sitting down and measured again standing up. Then I was asked to walk around so they could watch me.  I sat back down and they went to the stockroom and returned with a stack of shoeboxes of various brands, sizes, and styles.  Then the process began.  I tried on the first pair of shoes on BOTH FEET (I normally do just one foot) got laced up and again was asked to walk around the store.  As I walked, they watched and asked me questions about how they felt.  Did I feel any rubbing here or there?  Did anything feel like it was poking me?  I never could get a good fit on the back of my foot with ANY of the ladies styles.  They all felt like they were too short on the back and that my foot was going to slip out of the shoe.
Nine pair of shoes later, we decided to try a man's shoe.  Lo and Behold, THAT worked!  The back of the shoe is a little higher and it feels like I have a good fit there.  I felt like I could go work out again right then and there! I did not realize just how flimsy my little Walmart Danskins were until I put this other shoe on my foot.
In the end, I did something else I have never done in my life.  I paid $120 for a pair of shoes.
I am SOOOOOO looking forward to my workout tomorrow!

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