May 28, 2018

2018, May 27 - Last Sunday

Hey Baby,

So, today was my last day to play piano at Hebron.  I've decided to stop for the summer and make my final decision the end of July.  Sadly, no one said anything to me today when I left.  It's like either nobody believes I'm actually quitting or nobody really knows.    As I left, I mentioned to several people, "Have a great summer!" but nobody said anything.  I was really disappointed.

After church, I had to go into the office to do the paperwork for Youth Camp.  It's the girls first trip without me.  They'll be gone a full week to South Carolina.  I'm praying they have fun and a great time without me.  I wish they'd been able to go last year. 

Last year, when I took the whole summer off and we didn't go anywhere.  Last year, when YOU got to go to Alaska for 10 days WITHOUT me.  I'm still angry about that.  We were supposed to go TOGETHER!  And AGAIN, I can't go.  I had planned to, but the Social Security office is taking their sweet time with figuring out the money stuff.  So, this year, finances simply will not allow us to go.  But NEXT summer, we'll go.  Next summer, I'll take you on that road trip.  Next summer.

This summer, I have to figure out stuff.  Thus today was my last Sunday.

Love and Miss you so much!


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