May 8, 2018

2018, May 5 - Trees and Jonny Cash

Hey babe.

First off, I want to tell you that I dreamed about you this morning.  I was sitting in my recliner here with the laptop on my lap.  You came walking out of the kitchen in your red short sleeve pullover polo and your bahama shorts.  You sat down in your recliner but didn't lay back like you usually do.  You sat on the front half of the seat, leaned over at me and said, "Some things just never change."  I put the laptop aside, loudly said, "Ohmigod!  Ohmigod!" and reached over to touch you.  When I touched your arm, it felt so real!  I jumped up and got on top of you, kissing you, hugging you!  I asked you how heaven was and you said, "There's a lot of gays there."  But then you started to change.  You started wasting away.  It wasn't you anymore.  It claimed to be you but it was someone, or something else.  I asked you to tell me my middle name and you couldn't.  Then I knew it was no longer you.  You were gone again.  I got off of the person/thing I was on top of and rebuked it in Jesus' name.  Then I woke up.  I was so disappointed.  I really wanted to spend more time with you.

Changing the subject now.  Do you remember than guy from down around the campground?  Jonny Cash?  He had the Rottweilers before that Buddy would get tangled with.  Anyway, did you know he cuts down trees?  I didn't!  Samantha and Jay told me about him and gave me his business card.  So, I called him to cut down two pines.  The one in the middle of the front yard.  And the rotten one behind the house.  It's scaring me.  He got the one in the front down today and we'll get that all moved out of the way soon.  He's coming back tomorrow to get the bad one down. 

I love and miss you so much!


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