Mar 9, 2009

Training Pain

If I haven't mentioned it before, my brother has asked me to accompany him on the Crescent City Classic 5k. I'm not an athlete by any means but I figured that if I can walk a mile or two right now, then surely I can do a 5k in a month. So, I've been out walking every day this week.

Walking is great exercise but I'm not enjoying it so much right now. It seems that I have developed a problem. First of all, after each walk, my left ankle is throbbing and swollen. Immediately after I get home, I have to get off my feet, prop them up, and place ice bags on each ankle for a few minutes. After icing, the pain subsides and I'm okay but not great.

Yesterday I did 3 miles. Halfway through, the throbbing pain returned. By the time I ended the walk and was at home, I was limping. I came in and did the ice, remaining off my feet the rest of the evening. When I woke up this morning and got out of bed....OUCH!!!...Now I'm limping again and dreading today's walk.

I think I've developed tendonitis but I'm not sure. Also, while walking, I can feel the ankle pop and grind. Most likely an arthritic symptom.

This has happened before and I thought it was just my shoes. So I bought more and then didn't do any walking for over a year resulting in my sedentary lifestyle. I would love to do more exercise and/or walking but I certainly would like for it to be painless....well, painless beyond the normal pain, if you know what I mean.

Does anyone out in bloggy land have any suggestions?!!!???? Help!!!


Amy said...

Sorry that I don't have any advice personally for this but my sister is a personal trainer in Dallas so I forwarded your post to see if she had any advice for you. If I get a response (She's very busy!) then I will send it to you via email.

Cynthia said...

Thanks! I really appreciate it!