Apr 7, 2011

I'm Back with some Disney shortsets

Have I REALLY ignored my blog for 4 months?  Whoa!  I need to get on the ball!  Things have been pretty crazy around here with all the daily road running and chauffering the kiddos back and forth.  I really should get me an Iphone or notebook or Ipad so's I can keep up with the online duties while I'm sitting in a parking lot somewhere.

Another reason I haven't been on here much is because I've been on Facebook a whole lot more!  :D  I need to curb that addiciton as well.  And speaking of addicitons, I have been sooooooo busy sewing!  I'm just loving the feel of the thread and needle as it punctures the various fabrics I'm playing with.

In order to supplement the family income, I've decided to try my hand at custom sewing projects....focusing on Disney inspired short sets.  I have recently completed 3 outfits that I'm very proud of.  I think I'll go ahead and try to expand the collection with even more shortsets for boys AND girls.

Meanwhile, enjoy these pics of my latest creations!  Each shortset is ONLY $50.  Just comment if you're interested in one.  Then we'll exchange the needed info.

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