Feb 25, 2009

Zip Ah Dee Doo Dah

Here's Little Bird singing while we were at the park. This was just before we went on our Disney vacation.

Geocaching: Mardi Gras

While everyone else in Louisiana was celebrating Mardi Gras by attending the many, many, many parades, the gang and I were geocaching. I thought I'd make a little post about the different kinds of caches we found this weekend. First of all, I'd like to say that the Lord provided some BEAUTIFUL weather for us to enjoy! It was a real blessing and treat to get outdoors after our illnesses and get some fresh air. A few natural sights we enjoyed while on our hunt were.....
A redtail hawk

A flock of poules d'eau, my first time to see them in the wild!!!
A beautiful old oak tree

This is the smallest geocache I have found yet.
The teeny pc of paper inside of it held only 8 signatures.

This is a 35 mm film canister attached to the top of a fence pole cover. This is one of the most common micro-caches out there. The other is a magnetic key holder.
This is our FAVORITE kind of geocache. Can you see it?

It's an ammo can full of geojunk.

Little Bird shows off some of her junk.

We went to find Kangaroo who was walking around a fishing pond with DQ. Little Bird spotted Kangaroo and they started to run towards each other as if they haven't seen each other in decades!

Can't you just feel the love?

We had so much fun this weekend and found a total of 20 geocaches!!! Our personal goal for 2009 is to find 200, but if we keep going like we have been so far, we might have to double that number!

Feb 24, 2009

With All My Art (and crafts?)

This is a painting my mom did of my son when he was 4 years old.
This past Thursday, I attended a luncheon with my mom to accompany her while she sang a song and did a painting demonstration. She also shared some scripture and a little devotional. I came home and re-read the scripture. I had never heard this particular passage before and was fascinated by it. As a musician, I recognize that the Lord has given me certain talents and abilities to bring others into His presence. However, it never occurred to me that arts and crafts would be considered a talent worth making a big deal over...you know what I mean?
Now, I'm not an artist by any means, not the kind like Monet or Van Gogh. My mom, on the other hand, might fall into that category. Just look at some of her work! My artistic abilities are limited to preschool levels and the yearly christmas ornament that I give to family members.

After reading this scripture though, I began to think about it. Now, with my music, I try to play my best for Him every Sunday morning, evening, and Wednesday evening. I also have an annual commitment to provide arts & crafts for the preschool department at VBS. I actually stress over what in the world I'm gonna do with these children for one week every year. Why? Because I actually wondered how important really are the arts & crafts? Why not teach the children songs and scripture to memorize....to be implanted into their little brains and resurrected later in life when something triggers a memory? Why the big deal over arts & crafts? Because, well, as my mom put it, Exodus 35:30 - 35 and Exodus 36:1 gives it a little more meaning.
My bible is an NIV and this is what it says,

Exodus 35

30 Then Moses said to the Israelites, See, the LORD has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah,
31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all
kinds of crafts—
32 to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze,
33 to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic craftsmanship.
34 And he has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others.
35 He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as craftsmen, designers,
embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers— all
of them master craftsmen and designers.

Exodus 36:1 So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the LORD has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the LORD has commanded.

Mom's painting demonstration and recitation of this scripture stirred something within me. Feelings about whatever we do, we should do for the glory of the Father.

Here's another devotional that I really liked and agree with on the topic.

I guess I could say that this is another one of those things that make me go, "hmmmmmm".

Third Week of February Stuff

Gosh, have I neglected my blog for a week? Oh my! I'm so embarrassed!! Let me see if I get get ya'll updated. This means I have to remember what I did last week and then post a separate blog about certain things and link it to this one. Oh, Geez!! What a chore!!!

Well, first of all, for Valentine's day....we did nothing. The entire family had the flu. The rest of the week involved recuperating.

Hubby felt well enough to pull the camper out of it's hiding place and we commenced to preparing it for our Disney World vacation in June. Lemme tell ya!...Washing the windows in that thing was a JOB! However, it is all nice and shiny clean. We're planning on taking it down the road for a week long stay at Tickfaw State Park. We can't go too far because hubby still has to go to work. But at least we'll still FEEL like we're camping.

On Thursday, I attended a luncheon with my mom. She did a painting demonstration and devotion and then she sang a song to go with the devotional. I had to play the piano for her to sing. My thoughts on her devotional and scripture will be in a separate post shortly.

I've gotten the Geocaching bug again and have been trying to collect as many finds as possible. I set a personal goal of 200 finds for this coming year. I'm happy to report that I'm on a roll with 20 finds this weekend alone!!! My Mardi Gras geocaching will have it's own post shortly.

At this very moment, I'm sitting in my living room, typing on my little bloggy thingy, watching....um, no, listening to Handy Manny while trying to keep my eyes open. All that geocaching has got me worn out and I'm so very sleepy even though I got about 9 hours of sleep last night! I actually went to bed at a normal hour!!! Go figure!

Later ya'll!

Feb 14, 2009

"My Husband Rocks" Fridays

Late, late last night as I was trying to get a stuffy headed kid to sleep, I saw this commercial on TV. It started out with a fella and his girlfriend, strolling along while holding hands. He stops, gets down on one knee and proceeds to propose to her. She responds by getting this horrified look on her face and pulls away from him. Along comes a "knight in shining armor" if you will, to rescue her from this proposterous proposal. He K.O.'s the proposer. Then he turns to address the camera and begins his dialogue with something like, "Marriage is the leading cause of divorce." He goes on to advertise an online hook up site for those single persons who don't want a serious relationship. I thought to myself, "What in the world?" What's this world coming to? Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's the lack of mutual respect between to people. It's the "live and let live", "every man for himself", "It's all about ME!" attitudes.

What does the above have to do with the following? I dunno. I just thought I'd mention it. So, anyway, I found this Meme while blog surfing. I decided that it would be a great way to focus on some of my husband's positive traits if only once a week. Katy Lin was inspired to start this weekly lifting up of her husband and has invited married bloggers everywhere to do the same. Every Friday, she says she will post a story, photo, or quote about how her husband rocks.

I started mine with Our 1st Valentine's post yesterday. I hope to continue this every Friday. I might even start doing the Love Dare, but I'll save those thoughts for another post.

Feb 13, 2009

My Husband Rocks: Our 1st Valentine's

The first Valentine's that DH and I spent together was really pretty cool. At the time, I had one of those 9 - 5 jobs. I had mentioned to him how much I enjoy musicals and I think I had even hinted to him that there was one I wanted to see on stage at the Saenger Theatre in New Orleans. As it turned out, The Phantom of the Opera was playing.

It was Friday, Feb 10, 1995. My older kids, DQ and The Teen, were going to stay with their biological father for the weekend. I left work a little early in order to get to the front of the herd on the interstate and get the kid's to their dad's house. I got back to my apartment and prepped for a shower. I was STARVING for dinner but knew I wouldn't have time to eat anything AND get dressed. Just as I stepped out of the shower I heard a knock at the door.

I donned my robe and opened the door. There stood my date, dressed in a suit and tie, with a bouquet of roses and a styrofoam dinner box. He had arrived early! Leaving him in the dining room, I retreated to my room to finish getting dressed. I had chosen a sweet little short sleeved black dress. The dress was a solid black tank style dress with lace sleeves decorated with a little bow on the outside. A matching bow was at my waist. When I returned to the dining room, he had set my plate, lit a candle, and put the roses in a vase. Wasn't that sweet?

Still concerned I wouldn't have time to eat, he insisted that I sit down and partake of the meal. He said he had already eaten and we wouldn't have time to stop on the way to New Orleans. As we drove, I actually leaned my head back to take a nap! I was so tired from not sleeping the night before due to my excitement!

Upon arrival, we found a parking garage, parked the truck, and proceeded on to stand outdoors (it was cold!!!) to wait until the doors opened so we could get to our seats. We went in, found our tiny little theatre seats, and sat. Since it was my first time ever at the Saenger, I was looking all around admiring the architecture and decor of this old building. Then I noticed the ceiling. I kept staring at it trying to figure out if we were outdoors or indoors! The ceiling was dark and had little twinkling lights on it that looked just like the night sky. It took me quite some time to figure out that we were indoors and the ceiling was just decorated to look that way. It was beautiful!

I really enjoyed see the Phantom of the Opera. When it was over, we had to leave. I really didn't want to but I had to work the next morning so getting home was a bit of a priority for me. We got back to the truck and headed on our way. DH asked me to get a small box out from under the seat. I reached under to get it and pulled out a small, gift wrapped package. He said, "Happy Valentine's Day! That's for you!" I was thrilled that not only had he fed me and taken me to see one of my favorite stage musicals, but he got me a little gift too!

Turns out it was a CD of the Phantom's songs! I popped it into the CD player and relived the evening all over again on the ride home. What a wonderful First Valentine's together!!!

Happy Valentine's Day ya'll!

"Snaggle" Tooth?

Why do we call it "snaggle" tooth when the teeth fall out and leave these funny looking gaps? Oh, maybe it's because it looks all "snaggly"? Anyway, Little Bird now has to eat her food with her side teeth because she doesn't have anymore in the front! Poor thing! Now she looks so funny and even talks funny! She whistles a little when she says her Ssss's. LOL!

Feb 12, 2009


We've had an icky week here since my last post. The Teen came down with the flu a week ago, DQ exhibited symptoms over the weekend, Little Bird and Kangaroo both are suffering with it now. DH phoned on his way home from work last night exclaiming how badly he was feeling with headaches and body aches. He chalked it up to on the job stress until he got up this morning. Now he's running a low grade fever and feeling like he's been hit by a train. I opened my eyes this morning, looked at the ceiling, felt a throbbing in my temples, closed my eyes and felt the room spin. It looks like I have it too.

I'm feeling well enough right now to post this little blog while my chicken soup heats on the stove top.

I really wanted to write some more about some other things going on but I'll have to save it for later.

It's really too pretty out side to be this sick and stuck inside.

Feb 9, 2009

Cross Country by Horse

The other day I wrote a little something about my "bucket list". Since that time, I've been surfing the net looking for ideas on the "how to" make my dreams happen. I was happily surprised to come across this website!

This fella, Bob, is traveling across the United States via horse drawn wagon. He started out in New Hampshire and according to his blog was in Macon, Mississippi just yesterday. I gather that to mean that he'll be coming through Louisiana and when he does I'm making a point to meet him. By meeting him, my dream may just morph into reality!!!

He has no cause or purpose for his trip. Just to meet new people and see the country. That's what I want to do!!!....among other things! Just live life to the fullest.

I seriously believe I'm hitting a mid life crisis!!

(Edited 2/11/09 to add: Bob Skelding and his horse drawn RV were involved in a tragic accident killing 2 of his horses and leaving Bob hospital bound. Please pray for his speedy recovery. Read more about it here.)

Feb 8, 2009

Obedience leads to Friendship?

Well, let's see .... how should I start this. I guess I should first mention that for the past few months I have been going through some stuff. I won't go into detail here because there's just too much to type and I'll lose focus of what I want to say. I think I'm just ADD that way. But I WILL say that it has long involved my lack of trust and faith in my Father God. I know He exists and that He has saved me, but for some silly reason, I can't TRUST him. Isn't that strange?

So, two weeks ago, my Musical Brother (he's actually my music minister but we have this weird brother sister relationship where we constantly tease each other .... so I'm gonna call him my Musical Brother or M.B. from here on out).....okay, so, two wks ago (Jan 26), he emails me with a request to perform special music at tonight's evening worship service. There are times that I do enjoy performing but lately I just haven't been up to it. In fact, my mind has been more on my "bucket list" and upcoming summer vacation.

But, let me get back to my point. M.B. asks me to perform something for tonight. Since I wasn't feeling like it, I did what most disobedient kids do......hemmed and hawwed and tried to come up with excuses as to why I shouldn't.

On Thursday, Jan 29, I woke up humming a tune. This tune was from a song that I haven't heard in over 20 years. When I was a teenager there was a girl a little bit older than me who would sing it for special music during worship services. I heard her sing it 2 or 3 times and it spoke to me then. Anyway, as a musician, I have a music library and it just so happens that this particular song is in my library. I got the music out and placed it on my piano. I sat down and played just a page of it and decided..."okay, 2 chords, not much effort required, piece of cake." I'll go ahead and plan to play/sing this one.

A few days later, on Tuesday, Feb 3, I phoned M.B. and gave him a hard time about having special music during a Sunday evening worship service (I mean, why? Very few people show up for these services.) but agreed to provide music as he asked.

So, tonight was the night....I hadn't looked at the music or rehearsed at all until my turn to sing came up. I was THAT confident....a trait that is unusual for me when it comes to performing. It's time for my song, so I begin to sing. The title of the song is "May I Introduce You To A Friend".

I get up from the piano and had a little unplanned improv moment when my hand hit the worship band (from earlier in the service) drummer's high hat producing a loud cymbalic sound!!! I could feel my face turn beet red!! Finally, without any further incidents, I proceeded to sit down and hear what the preacher had to say. His chosen devotional tonight was on Luke 11, the Parable Of The Persistant Friend but I didn't know that prior to my song.

The service ends and I leave. On my way home, I was thinking about what the preacher had said etc when it dawned on me that on that Thursday when I woke up humming that tune, I believe God was telling me what song to sing. I also believe that I was so confident at the time of performance because I was being obedient and there was nothing to worry about. Finally, it occurred to me (now this is NOT to pat myself on the back but...) that I had been OBEDIENT....and Lo, and Behold.....NOTHING BAD HAPPENED!!! I didn't fall off a cliff, the ground didn't open up and swallow me whole, lightning didn't come down and strike me dead! Can you imagine my surprise?

Lesson learned.....I CAN trust Him. He can be my friend....my best friend in the whole wide world....the kind of friend that I can turn to and call on at 2 a.m. in times of crisis. Friendship with Him is what He wants most of all! Why do I find it so hard to comply?

My "Bucket List"

Hubby and I went out for a walk this morning. We haven't done that in quite a while. Strolling down the road while holding hands and talking. We ventured off into the woods for a bit with him tracking deer tracks. He says this one that we were following is an old stag, his hocks were huge!!! He said he'd like to bag that one someday.

The "someday" got my attention. I told him that lately I've been thinking of lots of things that I would like to accomplish......"someday". I really would like to have experienced "life" before I get too old or arthritic to do certain things. My mom would tell me something similar to, "You're too pessimistic." or "Why would you want to do THAT?". Honestly, my answer would be, "Just because."

I don't necessarily want to do these things "before I die" but I would like to start getting out of the house and experiencing things besides the mall or Walmart. It's been such a beautiful week this week and I've been feeling a bit of cabin fever I suppose. With my next birthday looming in June, I guess I'm also embarking on a little mid-life crisis. It's time for me to get some things done!!!

My first challenge would be to figure out how to do these things while caring for my girls! But for starters, here's 10 things on my list that I'd like to accomplish in the next 8 years.

1. Bicycle the Natchez Trace from Nashville, TN to Natchez, MS (edit: not necessarily on one of those itty bitty bike seats. I like mine wide and cushiony!)
2. Horseback ride the length of the Mississippi River starting in New Orleans and going to the start of it.
3. Horseback ride in the footsteps of Lewis & Clark.

(Edited 2/9/09 to rephrase #2 & #3: Cross the United States either N-S or E-W via horse drawn transportation)

4. Attend a Luau in Hawaii.
5. Backpack and camp in Alaska.
6. Horsepack and camp in Montana.
7. See the 7 natural and man made wonders of America.

The Natural Wonders of the U.S.:
  • Glacier Bay, Alaska
  • Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, Arizona - Done in July of 2008
  • Grand Tetons, Western Wyoming, South of Yellowstone
  • Hawaii Volcanoes, Big Island of Hawaii
  • Niagra Falls
  • Yellowstone, NW corner of Wyoming
  • Yosemite, in the Sierra Nevada of Central California

The Man Made Wonders of the U.S.

  • the Brooklyn Bridge, NY
  • the Empire State Building, NY
  • the Golden Gate Bridge, CA
  • the Hoover Dam, NV/AZ
  • Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
  • Seattle Space Needle, WA
  • Washington Monument, DC - done as a child though I didn't go up inside of it

8. See the 7 natural and man made wonders of the World.

The Natural Wonders of the World:

  • Aurora Borealis, usually in Alaska but I saw them in Jacksonville, FL in 1988!
  • Grand Canyon, AZ - done in July of 2008
  • Paricutin, Michoacan, Mexico - the youngest active volcano and the only one whose birth was witnessed by mankind.
  • Victoria Falls, Southern Africa, between Zamiba & Zimbabwe.
  • Great Barrier Reef, Australia
  • Mount Everest
  • Harbour of Rio de Janeiro

The Man Made Wonders of the World: I can't seem to find a list of this. I'll have to look later.

9. Visit the areas where Jesus was born, lived, and taught.
10. Rent a beach house for a month on the East coast.

So, far, that's all I'm adding to this list. As I accomplish each item, I plan to cross it off and maybe add another. I truly feel that these things can be accomplished. I did tell hubby to plan for the Natchez bicycling trip this fall. It should only take about 2 weeks to do that one.

Do you have such a list? Please share!

Feb 7, 2009

C is for chocolate!

Do I really need a description for this? I have always known that Kangaroo reminded me of someone. I just never could figure out who it was. Finally, today it dawned on me just who it is. If you've ever seen the old Walt Disney movie, "Old Yeller", my Kangaroo reminds me of Travis' little brother Arliss..... that tow headed blond little boy that always runs around with a frog, lizard, or some other reptile in his pocket. Granted, Kangaroo hasn't brought home any reptiles....yet...but she does like to stuff her pockets with rocks. Hmmm. Anyway, just thought I'd share a quick picture of what I saw when I opened my eyes this morning.

Feb 5, 2009

My First Bloggy Award!!!

Tracy gave me an award!!! Woo Hoo!! This is my first bloggy award!!! Can you tell I'm excited!?

Anyway, this award comes with some instructions so here's what you're supposed to do.

1) Thank the person who gave the award to you
2) Post the award on your blog or on a post
3) Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great creativity
(#3 is a little difficult for me to do because most of my bloggy friends have already received this particular award. So, I didn't want to give it to them AGAIN! I mean, what does a person do with 2 of the same awards? Anyway, I went through my list of blogs that I follow and chose only 5 to give the award to. )
4) Link to the people you chose on your post,
5) Comment on their blogs to tell them about the award!

I will give the award to:
2. Erin

Feb 4, 2009

Fire Department FT

We went on a field trip today with the BRHA to a Fire Department. Little Bird and Kangaroo were so excited they could hardly contain themselves! They on fire about this field trip! When we got there, we were all put into a conference room to watch a video about what to do when your house catches on fire.

Then we went out to the front of the station to go through a smoke filled camper trailer thingy. We had to remember to STAY LOW and CRAWL FAST.

DQ holds and comforts Kangaroo. Roo didn't want to go in the trailer at first.

But she caved and went in with Little Bird. I was so proud of her for crawling real fast under the smoke!

Fireman Josh showed us the Fire Engine and told us all about the different gadgets and what they're used for. Then he let us climb up in the Fire Engine.

It was so much fun and we learned a lot!

With Fireman Jared

With Fireman Josh

On the front of the really big Firetruck!

The End

Feb 3, 2009

Things that make you go "hmmmm"?

1. Why are butterflies called "Butterflies" and not "Flutterbys"? After all, don't they just flutter by?

2. When I get to heaven, I'm gonna ask God why he created moms with only 2 arms. Then I'll ask Him why he gave us only 24 hours in day.

3. If we evolved from monkeys or apes, why are the monkeys still here? why is it we don't see any humans/monkeys in mid-evolvment? Isn't evolving a type of metamorphasis? Why don't we see anyone morphing?

4. Why does someone believe you when you say there are 4 billion stars in the sky, but they have to doubt you and check when you say the paint is wet?

And finally, (for today anyway)
5. If a doctor suddenly dies while he's doing surgery, would the other doctors work on the doctor or the patient on the table?

Bad Teacher!!

I'm such a bad mom, wife, and homeschool teacher. Okay, so maybe not THAT bad but I'm kinda feeling sorry for myself tonight (or this morning...note: It's 2:10 a.m.). My hubs is away tonight so that means that I'm pulling an all nighter. Fortunately, my kids are all safe and sound, snoozing peacefully, while I sit at the computer until the wee hours of the morning while listening to some paid programming on the tube. Every now and then I'll hear a foreign sound, a pop or something that gets my attention. Most often, it's just the ice maker in the freezer. Every now and then, it might be a mouse that the cold weather has driven in. Whatever it is, it and my computer are keeping me from going to bed to get the lovely beauty rest I need. (Lord knows I NEED IT!)

All this leads up to my neglectful teaching. I haven't really "taught" any bookwork since New Year's. I keep telling myself that I'll get back on it...tomorrow. And then for some reason or another, it doesn't happen. I WAS gonna get back on track today (or yesterday since it's now early in the morning the next day), but my Little Bird woke up with a fever and said her tummy hurt. So, I literally spent the day rocking my baby while her feverish little body fought off whatever bug was ailing her. Kangaroo stood by patiently, asking every half hour if she could watch Dora again...and again...and again...and again. Thank God I have 55 Dora episodes DVR'd on my thingy!!! I was able to keep her Dora addiction fed for the day!

Later in the evening, I had to go pick up the eldest child (the adult child) from work. On the way, Kangaroo fell asleep in the back seat and Little Bird perked up enough to serenade us with the alphabet song and at least a dozen questions on the extinction of the dinosaurs. Her inquiries regarding the dinosaurs gave me pause, causing me to consider how I would begin our teaching schedule again. I really need to get on that!!!

But before I do, I guess I should sign off and get a few hours of shut eye. Hubs will need my help tomorrow afternoon and I won't be a bit of good if I'm acting like a zombie!

Another Tooth Done Gone

Little Bird has lost yet another tooth. Her third. At any rate, looking at the picture posted, her first tooth lost came from the gap you see on the bottom row of her teeth. The 2nd tooth lost came from the huge gap on the upper set of teeth. The third tooth lost just last night came from the bottom row right next to gap #1. Tooth #2 (upper row) came out last Tuesday (1-27-09). Hubs made the comment that she's gonna lose them all before the permanent teeth begin to grow in. He says she'll look real funny then!!! She's growing up so fast!