Mar 1, 2012

The pleasures of being a mom,

33 little things that we really love about it
Copied from an article printed in Redbook Magazine, May 2002.
By Veronique Vienne

Parenting can be a tough job, but the rewards are endless. In the spirit of Mother's Day, we thought we'd name just a few of the ways little people enrich your lives.
12 REASONS TO HAVE CHILDREN: Why go to the trouble of having kids? Consider the following:
  1. You wish to pass on to posterity the best qualities of your mate.
  2. You wish to pass on to posterity your sense of humor.
  3. You need a good excuse for baking chocolate-chip cookies.
  4. You need an excuse for being broke.
  5. You love children.
  6. You love major disruptions.
  7. You'd like to give your parents a grandchild.
  8. You'd like to give your in-laws a chance to treat you as their own child.
  9. You want to be the mother of his children.
  10. You are ready to settle down.
  11. You are ready to learn to blow someone else's nose.
  12. You are ready to experience pure joy in your lifetime.
MOM-ISMS THAT REALLY WORK: Your kids will respect you if you tell them the truth. When they ask you why you want them to behave a certain way, don't try to bribe, threaten, or deceive them, or lose your patience and declare, "Because I say so." Try these fresh answers instead:
  1. Because we'll both feel better when it's over.
  2. Because I'm running out of ideas for getting you to put your socks on.
  3. Because I'm bigger than you are.
  4. Because I really need you to help me get out of the house on time.
  5. Because I don't want the lady across the street to think I'm a bad mom.
  6. Because you don't have a better offer yet.
  7. Because you I don't feel like getting mad at you right now.
  8. Because you don't want to give people who don't like kids more reasons to be right.
  9. Because you are my best friend on earth.
CUTE NAMES TO CALL YOUR KID: Kids are so cute, we sometimes say, "I love you so much, I could just eat you right up!" Need more inspiration for putting your love into words? Then in addition to the nicknames you already call your little one, try these sweet and silly terms of endearment. They will establish a delicious bond of affection between you and your child, bringing you even closer.
  1. Angle Cake
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Gumdrop
  4. Sweetie Pie
  5. Dumplin'
  6. Cupcake
  7. Peanut
  8. Honey Bun
  9. Sugarplum
  10. Sweet Pea
  11. Muffin
  12. Butter Bean

From the Art of Expecting by Veronique Vienne.

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