Jan 28, 2016

Planning and Frustrated

I hate trying to make plans.  I dream.  I make lists.  But to actually put something fun down on a calendar is just unrealistic.  Why?  Because my dreams/lists/plans don't ever come to fruition.

I'm frustrated.  I have wanted to do something for the past two years but every time I mention it to someone, I get shot down.

See, about 10 years ago, my dad retired from his job as a Process Operator.  He was divorced and all of the kids were grown and/or married.  He had nothing to hold him down at home.  No job to go to on a daily basis.  So, he retired after 35 years on the job and hit the Appalachian Trail within a week o his retirement party.

I'm a homemaker, stay at home mom, domestic engineer, whatever you want to call it.  I love my job but it is monotonous.  My youngest two daughters are now tweens and growing up too fast.  I have a desire to hit the AT also.  I don't want to wait another 10 years to do so.

So, I have put my adventure start date on the calendar.  Wrote it in and drew a big red circle around it.

With my dad's assistance, over the next 6 months, my girls and I will embark on Trail Training.  Starting out on flat terrain with just our hiking shoes.  We'll add inclines and backpacks about 6 weeks before our departure date. 

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