Aug 22, 2009

Alligator Viewing

At noon today, my dad (who lives next door to me) called and asked if I'd been out in the back yard. See, our back yards lead down into a bit of a pond or bay off the Tickfaw River. The following pictures will show you what my dad was concerned about. As we were indoors enjoying our lovely air conditioning, there was a critter making himself at home just out our back doors.

As you will see in the following pics, our new neighbor is a young alligator. He or she isn't the typical green that one normally sees. This one is more of a mud color with stripes on its back. That tells us that it's only about a year or so old.
Can you see it in this picture?
How about now?
Nope, that's not a log!
He seems to be enjoying his swim!
A little closer view.
Well, that's our excitement for today. The girls got a big kick out of seeing our backyard critter.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Yikes. Glad he's at your house and not mine!!