Jan 10, 2009

The Hager Twins

I got online tonight to write my Date Night blog and sadly discovered an article which stated "Jon Hager of the musical comedy duo The Hager Twins on Hee-Haw has died."

I remember watching Hee Haw every Saturday evening before The Love Boat and Fantasy Island. After watching our Saturday evening programs, we would go to bed and dream sweet dreams of barn dances, romantic cruises, and lush tropical isles.

I've recently been enjoying Hee-Haw reruns on RFD.TV which I get by satellite. The jokes are so hokey and juvenile. My kids love the show. I'm reminded of my recent visit with my long lost sister when we were all discussing Hee Haw. During our conversation she looked at my other siblings and I like we were nuts. She asked, "What's Hi-Ho?" I had the immediate desire to educate her poor soul. Since then, I've emailed her many Hee Haw video links from YouTube.

I especially enjoy Archie Campbell's twisted fairy tales like "Beeping Sleauty", "The Pee Little Thrigs", and "Rindercella". Unfortunately, Hee Haw genre has given way to American Idol. Thank God for Branson, Missouri where we can go get our corny vaudeville show fixes anytime we want! Well, after careful travel planning, of course.

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