May 10, 2018

2018, May 10 - Sewing Memories

Hey babe.  I love you.  

I wanted to share a little something with you.  You know I've been going to these support group meetings every other week or so.  Well, today, I went in there and we discussed many things as usual, but today, I had a special memory that I shared with them.

I don't remember the dates of this but I do remember it was shortly after we married.  Your mom gave me her old Kenmore sewing machine.  I accepted it with a smile but told you later, "What am I going to do with this?  I don't know how to sew!"  I remember your reaction, when you looked at me with those wide baby blues and said, "You don't know how to sew?  Well, it's time you learned."   You got an old washcloth and cut it in half.  You sat down with that sewing machine at the kitchen table.  You walked me through the threading process.  You handed me those to halves to a washcloth and you said, "Sew it together."  and I did.  You didn't know then what you started.  You didn't know I would graduate from washcloths to dinner napkins to quilts to prom dresses to Disney short sets and much more!  I thank you for kicking me in the rear and getting me going.  Although I'm not doing much sewing now, I'm grateful that you taught me and I have enjoyed using those skills. 

The sewing is just one of the many lessons I learned from you.  I will try to keep writing them down as they come to the forefront of my memory.  

I miss you and love you so much.  I wish you were here so I could tell you all about my days and what the girls and I are doing.  I know you can see us.  I know you can hear us when we talk about you and to you.  I know you can't communicate back to us though and I wish you could.  

Missing and Loving you.


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