Dec 29, 2008

Christmas Teeth

This year for Christmas, my older kiddos rec’d some stupid junk in their stockings. You know….practical jokester junk. Anyway, one of the items was these silly looking Bubba Teeth. Well, my Little Bird thought they were the funniest things and she put them on. She then ran to the bathroom to look at herself in the mirror and admire her “new” teeth! About this time, my dad comes over to see the kids and spend a few minutes with them. He enjoys being around when they are learning and seeing new things for the first time. While he was here, my Kangaroo started crying.

When she cries and whines, it’s a bit hard to understand what she’s trying to say. When that happens, we tell her to calm down and use her words. We tell her that we don’t speak that language and we can’t understand it when someone else is speaking it. Then she’s usually pretty good at getting a grip and communicating what she wants or needs. So, anyway, then she says it so we can understand, "Iwannaooklikpawpabutlilbudwonshare". Us adults look at each other, with this "What did she say?" look on our faces. So we asked her repeat it, using her words. This time we heard quite clearly, "I wanna look like paw paw but Little Bird won't shaaaayer!!!"

See, my dad has this tooth…one of his front teeth….that “died” and was fixed with a root canal and then a cap. So, it looks a little funny when he smiles. It just stands out a little.
Kangaroo and her paw paw teeth!
Isn’t it funny the things children see that we grown ups can't or ....don’t wanna…..see?

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