Apr 21, 2009

LIHA PowWow Field Trip

On Friday, we enjoyed yet another outing with the BRHA to visit the Louisiana Indian Heritage Associations Spring PowWow. I have included some links on this post so be sure to check them out for more information.
We began our pow wow adventure with a music lesson exploring some Indian songs written and performed by Humanities Scholar Debroah "Dee" White Eye. She handed out various aboriginal rhythm instruments for the children to shake and rattle while singing along with the songs. She also had some CD's of her children's music for sale.

After the music "station" we moved on to a TeePee set up and learned about different indian dwellings and daily life. Mr. Tom "Strong Bull" Varnado introduced us to some of the primitive tools and toys. We also learned about various games the indian children played. Let me just say that this section was lots of FUN!!! Mr. Mike Spiller was quite the game host! Isn't it strange how us grown ups forget that Native Americans had children too? I mean, they weren't ALL about warriors and bravery, etc. There were children who played games and had toys just like us!!!

We then wandered around a little and experienced some awesome face painting and made a craft to take home. We were running short on time and had to leave before the Indian Fry Bread was ready for snacking. We missed out on the Circle Dance as well.

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