Feb 5, 2009

My First Bloggy Award!!!

Tracy gave me an award!!! Woo Hoo!! This is my first bloggy award!!! Can you tell I'm excited!?

Anyway, this award comes with some instructions so here's what you're supposed to do.

1) Thank the person who gave the award to you
2) Post the award on your blog or on a post
3) Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great creativity
(#3 is a little difficult for me to do because most of my bloggy friends have already received this particular award. So, I didn't want to give it to them AGAIN! I mean, what does a person do with 2 of the same awards? Anyway, I went through my list of blogs that I follow and chose only 5 to give the award to. )
4) Link to the people you chose on your post,
5) Comment on their blogs to tell them about the award!

I will give the award to:
2. Erin


Anonymous said...

Thank you! You've brightened my week.

Unknown said...

Thanks. This really means a lot.

I don't always feel so Kreativ, LOL.

scrappysue said...

congrats on your award! i know mel - she needed that this week!