Feb 4, 2009

Fire Department FT

We went on a field trip today with the BRHA to a Fire Department. Little Bird and Kangaroo were so excited they could hardly contain themselves! They on fire about this field trip! When we got there, we were all put into a conference room to watch a video about what to do when your house catches on fire.

Then we went out to the front of the station to go through a smoke filled camper trailer thingy. We had to remember to STAY LOW and CRAWL FAST.

DQ holds and comforts Kangaroo. Roo didn't want to go in the trailer at first.

But she caved and went in with Little Bird. I was so proud of her for crawling real fast under the smoke!

Fireman Josh showed us the Fire Engine and told us all about the different gadgets and what they're used for. Then he let us climb up in the Fire Engine.

It was so much fun and we learned a lot!

With Fireman Jared

With Fireman Josh

On the front of the really big Firetruck!

The End

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