Feb 27, 2018

2018, Feb 27 - Dancing

Hello my love!  I'd like to share with you what I did today.

The day started off in a bad place.  As soon as the girls left for school, I began to get things together for a shower.  I started crying even before I turned the water on and cried throughout the entire shower.  I swallowed soap and shampoo but I didn't care.  You're not here anymore and I had to release that pain.  I had to stop crying though in order to put some makeup on.  I know I didn't wear it much when you were here.  I saved it only for special occasions with you.  You didn't like it when I wore lipstick and then kissed you with it.  I wish you were here so I could do that again.

Once I got myself under control and got dressed, I headed out to see my friend Bobbi.  She took me over to PARDS for an introductory line dancing class.  I kept thinking about your opinion of line dancing and it made me smile. Then, Bobbi and I went for lunch.  I like this new place.

After lunch, I headed over to Hammond for my first ballroom dance lesson.  Oh, Charlie!  You would have liked this! Well, maybe not .... but it sure would have been fun to do this with you!   My instructor, Shane, taught me the Foxtrot, ChaCha, and Waltz.  I'm a quick learner!  Either that or he's a very good bullshitter!  I learned the three dances in 20 minutes and then the rest of the hour, we just danced.  Danced all over that ballroom.  I hate to tell you this, but I guess it's because you've been gone a few weeks already, but he sure did smell good!

Then I came home.  I called the girls and asked what they wanted for dinner, stopped and picked up pizza as per their request, and then I came home.  Daddy was here for a bit.  He needed me to refill his pill box.  Then he left and it's just me and the girls. 

I attempted to chat with some fellas on one of these stupid dating sites.  Just like before I met you, there's a whole lotta frogs out there.  None of these guys appeal to me.  They aren't you!  I miss you so much!!  I love you!

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