Jan 20, 2010

Was Broken Heart, Now DQ Update #1

Sometimes it amazes me how quickly we adapt to stressful and trying situations. I'd like to give you an update on the situation here. As you know, we received the news, not quite a week ago, that there will be a new family member joining our household. At first, I was disappointed in my daughter (age 22), but now I'm slowly looking forward to sharing this experience with her and helping her as she adjusts to single motherhood. She's got a lot of growing up to do in a short time.

My husband finally warmed up enough to speak to me about the situation and we were able to have a productive discussion. He's still upset with DQ and hasn't spoken to her yet. She expressed to me how hurt she's feeling by his silence. When I brought it up to him during our separate conversation though, he explained that he's just trying to get his thoughts together before he speaks to her. He wants to say it "just right".

Yesterday, we had a discussion about what she's going to do in order to make a living and support herself. He did have some input there that she REALLY listened to (for a change).

She currently works as a "beverage server" at a local casino...not a job that's really conducive to pregnancy and impending motherhood. We took a few minutes to pray about the job situation. I specifically reminded the Lord that when He created me He gave me a visual learning style. Then I reminded Him, that in order to communicate with me He will have to literally write on the wall (in really big letters surrounded by flashing lights).

A few hours later, LITERALLY, a friend of mine (who didn't yet know of my impending grandmotherhood) called me up and asked if my daughter might be interested in a temporary job paying $13 per hour!!! It's only a 4 - 6 month position but it's closer to home! I told her, without hesitation, a huge YES! Then I told my daughter, who was also very excited about it and at the same time learned that God is really there and listening.

As for now, she went to the Health Unit for a pg confirmation followed by an application visit to Medicaid. Next week, she'll be meeting with a counselor (or helper) at the Women's Hope center. I've told her several times that I love her and she is not alone. I have also warned her that the next couple of years are gonna be real tough but she just has to pull up those boot straps, dig in, and she'll be fine.

Keep praying for us. We have a long two years ahead of us but I'm getting excited to see what the Lord has planned.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

God will allow you to make it through. Keep trusting in HIM!!