Jan 30, 2010

Clean House: WEEKEND 3 - The Kitchen!!

1. Straighten countertops & tabletops
2. Spray surfaces with sanitizer, let sit, wipe & rinse
3. Survey cupboards & drawers to assess level of disorganization; rearrange & restock as needed with an eye toward storing things where they will be most handy.
4. Spot-clean cupboard surfaces, doors, windows, and shelves: replace shelf/drawer lining as needed.
5. Vacuum, dry-mop, or wash floor
6. Dust baseboards, cupboard fronts, and tops
7. Wipe down stovetop, microwave, and toaster oven.

TROUBLE SPOT: Place 1 cup of water in microwave, can put lemon juice in water, turn on & let warm/hot water sit & everything will soften so it can be easily wiped off w/ paper towels.

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