Jan 5, 2010

From the mouths of Babes

Hubby and I have been sitting around just relaxing today. He has finished a bookhe's been reading and I've been researching our upcoming summer vacation. It was just us here .... and Kangaroo.

Kangaroo rose wide eyed and bushy tailed at 6 a.m. this morning and boy, was she raring to go! She ran and played all day! So sweet! She eventually pulled out her make up kit that she received for Christmas from our babysitter.

She sat and primped and got herself looking all pretty. Then she presented herself to us. Well, to her daddy anyway. Not to me.

She approaches her daddy, blinks her sweet little blue eyes, and coyly gushes, "Daddy, do you think I look pretty?"

He chuckled and responded, "Yes, honey, I sure do! I think you look just like mommy!"

Kangaroo is a little takin aback and says, "Mommy!? You gotta be KIDDIN' me!!!"

I wasn't sure how to feel as I sat here listening to this little exchange. I recognize that hubby was paying me a compliment...in a way. But her response? I don't know if it was taken as a compliment or an insult from her daddy. Is my own appearance so horrible that my child doesn't want to look like me?

Oh well, she's a sweet little cherub anyway and I love her bunches! :D

1 comment:

Jenn said...

I'm sure hubby was definitely complimenting you and who knows what little Ms Kangaroo was thinking. Kids can say the darndest things sometimes!